Code Explainer

React Landing Page with SEO and Tailwind CSS

This JavaScript code snippet creates a functional landing page using React, featuring SEO metadata and styled with Tailwind CSS. It showcases components like headings, paragraphs, images, and buttons, enhancing user experience and search

Empty image or helper icon


import { getSEOTags } from "@/libs/seo";

export const metadata = getSEOTags({ canonicalUrlRelative: "/" });

export default function Landing() {
  return (

Food recipes you'll love 🥦

Our AI will generate recipes based on your preferences. New recipes will be added every week!

); }


Code Explanation

This code snippet is written in JavaScript and utilizes React, a popular library for building user interfaces. Let's analyze its components step-by-step.

1. Import Statement

import { getSEOTags } from "@/libs/seo";
  • Purpose: This line imports a specific function, getSEOTags, from a module located at the path "@/libs/seo".
  • Functionality: The getSEOTags function is assumed to retrieve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tags for the page based on provided parameters.

2. Metadata Definition

export const metadata = getSEOTags({ canonicalUrlRelative: "/" });
  • Purpose: This line generates SEO metadata for the page and exports it for use elsewhere.
  • Explanation:
    • The getSEOTags function is invoked with an object { canonicalUrlRelative: "/" }. This typically defines the canonical URL which helps with SEO by preventing duplicate content issues.
    • The result is stored in a constant metadata, which is available for use in the page component or for SEO purposes.

3. Function Declaration

export default function Landing() {
  • Purpose: This line defines a default export for a functional React component named Landing.
  • Functionality: This component is meant to render the main content for a landing page.

4. Return Statement

return (
  • Fragment Syntax: The <> and </> denote a React Fragment, allowing you to group multiple children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.
  • <main> Element:
    • It contains a few properties:
      • className: Applies Tailwind CSS classes for styling, such as ensuring a minimum height and padding.
      • data-theme: A custom attribute potentially used to apply a dark theme to the page.

5. Section Component

  • Purpose: This section contains the main content of the landing page.
  • Styling: The className applies specific Tailwind CSS classes:
    • max-w-xl: Limits the maximum width of the section.
    • mx-auto: Centers the section horizontally.
    • space-y-8: Adds vertical spacing between child elements.

6. Content Elements


Food recipes you'll love 🥦

  • Purpose: This heading introduces the landing page.
  • Styling: The classes (text-3xl, md:text-4xl, font-extrabold) ensure responsive text size and boldness.


Our AI will generate recipes based on your preferences. New recipes will be added every week!

  • Purpose: This paragraph provides an overview of what the user can expect from the application.
  • Styling: The classes focus on font size and line spacing to enhance readability.

Image Element

  • Purpose: Displays an image related to the content's theme.
  • Properties:
    • src: URL of the image.
    • alt: Describes the image for accessibility and SEO.
    • width and height: Control dimensions for image rendering.
    • className: Applies styles, such as rounded corners and centering.


  • Purpose: Provides a call-to-action button for users.
  • Styling: The className applies button styles ensuring it stands out.

Key Concepts

SEO Tags

  • Importance in Web Development: SEO tags help search engines understand the content of pages, improving visibility and ranking.

React Components

  • Functional Components: This snippet uses functional components, which are simpler and ideal for representing UI structures that encapsulate behavior.

Tailwind CSS

  • Utility-First Approach: Tailwind CSS classes are used throughout the code for styling, enabling rapid styling without having to define separate CSS files.

Alternative Example

Below is a simplified alternative version of the component, omitting some advanced features:

export default function SimpleLanding() {
  return (

Welcome to Our Recipe Site

Discover new recipes generated for you!

); }

This example retains the same functionality but uses basic HTML without styling or SEO enhancements.


This code snippet effectively creates a functional landing page using React and Tailwind CSS, incorporating important SEO elements. Understanding each part contributes significantly to building modern web applications with an emphasis on user experience and search engine visibility. For advanced skills in React and other data-related technologies, consider exploring courses offered on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This JavaScript code snippet creates a functional landing page using React, featuring SEO metadata and styled with Tailwind CSS. It showcases components like headings, paragraphs, images, and buttons, enhancing user experience and search engine visibility.