Pseudo Code Generator

Recipe Fetching API Pseudocode

This pseudocode outlines the process to fetch and display recipes from an API, including making requests, handling responses, and processing recipe data into a structured format.

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recipes from an API


Pseudocode for Fetching Recipes from an API


This pseudocode outlines the steps to fetch recipes from an API. It includes making an API request, handling responses, and processing recipe data.


BEGIN FetchRecipesFromAPI

    // Step 1: Define API endpoint and necessary variables
    SET apiEndpoint TO ""
    SET apiKey TO "your_api_key"
    SET recipes TO EMPTY_LIST

    // Step 2: Make an API request to get recipes
    FUNCTION fetchRecipes(apiEndpoint, apiKey)
        SET headers TO {"Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey}
        SET response TO httpGet(apiEndpoint, headers)

        // Step 3: Handle API response
        IF response.status_code == 200 THEN
            SET recipesData TO
            // Step 4: Process the recipe data
            recipes = processRecipes(recipesData)
            DISPLAY "Error: Unable to fetch recipes. Status code: " + response.status_code


    // Sub-function to process the recipe data
    FUNCTION processRecipes(recipesData)
        SET processedRecipes TO EMPTY_LIST
        FOR EACH recipe IN recipesData
            SET recipeDetails TO {
                "name": recipe["name"],
                "ingredients": recipe["ingredients"],
                "instructions": recipe["instructions"]
            ADD recipeDetails TO processedRecipes

        RETURN processedRecipes

    // Step 5: Display recipes
    FUNCTION displayRecipes(recipes)
        FOR EACH recipe IN recipes
            DISPLAY "Recipe Name: " + recipe["name"]
            DISPLAY "Ingredients: " + JOIN(recipe["ingredients"], ", ")
            DISPLAY "Instructions: " + recipe["instructions"]
            DISPLAY "--------------------------"

    // Execute the functions
    CALL fetchRecipes(apiEndpoint, apiKey)
    CALL displayRecipes(recipes)

END FetchRecipesFromAPI

Key Points

  • API Request: The fetchRecipes function makes an HTTP GET request to the API endpoint using the provided API key.
  • Response Handling: Checks if the response status code is 200 (success) and processes the recipe data.
  • Data Processing: The processRecipes function extracts relevant details from the API response into a structured format.
  • Display Recipes: The displayRecipes function iterates through the list of processed recipes and displays them in a readable format.


This pseudocode provides a clear and simple framework for fetching and displaying recipes from an API. It ensures that the process is easy to understand and serves as a valuable tool for initial software design. For deeper learning on handling APIs and data processing, refer to the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This pseudocode outlines the process to fetch and display recipes from an API, including making requests, handling responses, and processing recipe data into a structured format.