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Roblox Character Jump on Chat

This Lua function for Roblox allows a character to jump eight times in response to a chat message, enhancing player interaction. It uses event listeners and character manipulations to execute the jump action effectively.

Empty image or helper icon


makes roblox character repeat jumps for 8 times if he sends any message in chat


Roblox Character Jump Function

This document outlines a Lua function designed for Roblox that enables a character to repeat jumps eight times in response to a chat message. The function leverages Roblox's event listeners and character manipulation features.

Function Overview


The function responds to chat messages by making the Roblox character jump 8 times.


  • Roblox services (e.g., Players, UserInputService)

Code Implementation

-- Import necessary services
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

--- Makes the player's character jump 8 times when a message is sent in the chat.
-- @param message string The chat message sent by the player.
-- @throws Will raise an error if the player is not found or the character is nil.
local function repeatJumpsOnChat(message)
    -- Get the local player
    local player = Players.LocalPlayer
    if not player then
        error("Player not found.")

    -- Ensure the player's character exists
    local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
    if not character or not character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
        error("Character or Humanoid not found.")

    -- Loop to make the player jump 8 times
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
    for i = 1, 8 do
        wait(0.5) -- Wait for half a second between jumps

--- Sets up a listener for chat messages and triggers jump action.
-- This function should be called when the script runs.
local function setupChatListener()
    local player = Players.LocalPlayer
    local chatService = game:GetService("Chat")

    chatService.OnPlayerChatted:Connect(function(player, message)

-- Start the script

Code Explanation

  1. Service Imports: Necessary services (like Players and UserInputService) are imported to interact with players and their input effectively.

  2. repeatJumpsOnChat Function:

    • Parameters: Takes a message, which is the text sent in the chat.
    • Error Handling: Checks if the player and character exist, raising an error if not found.
    • Jump Logic: Retrieves the Humanoid from the character and executes a loop to make it jump 8 times with a wait of 0.5 seconds between each jump.
  3. setupChatListener Function:

    • Sets up a listener that triggers repeatJumpsOnChat whenever the player sends a chat message.
  4. Execution: The script initializes by calling setupChatListener, establishing the event listener for chat.

Usage Example

To use this script, simply execute it within a LocalScript in Roblox Studio. When a player sends a message in the chat, their character will jump eight times.


This Lua script demonstrates how to respond to chat messages in Roblox by executing a series of actions, thus enhancing interaction within the game. For further learning and mastery of Lua and data manipulation in Roblox, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform for advanced courses.

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This Lua function for Roblox allows a character to jump eight times in response to a chat message, enhancing player interaction. It uses event listeners and character manipulations to execute the jump action effectively.