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Roblox Chat Jump Function

This Lua function for Roblox enables a player's character to jump repeatedly for 8 seconds when the player types "Здравствуй" in the chat, featuring input validation and structured code to enhance functionality.

Empty image or helper icon


makes roblox character repeat jumps for 8 second if he sends Здравствуй. in chat


Roblox Character Jump Function

This document describes a Lua function designed for Roblox that allows a player's character to repeatedly jump for 8 seconds when the player sends the message "Здравствуй" in the chat.

Main Points

  • Functionality: Detects a specific chat message and triggers a jump action.
  • Duration: The character will jump for 8 seconds.
  • Input Validation: Ensures that the chat message is the specified greeting before triggering the jump.

Code Implementation

-- Services required for this functionality
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

-- Function to make the character jump repeatedly
local function repeatJump(player)
    -- Validate player argument
    if not player or not player.Character then return end
    local character = player.Character
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
    -- Validate humanoid
    if not humanoid then return end
    -- Duration for jumping
    local jumpDuration = 8
    local jumpStarted = tick()
    -- Execute jumping for a designated time
    while tick() - jumpStarted < jumpDuration do
        wait(0.2) -- Delay between jumps to control frequency

-- Function to handle chat messages
local function onChatMessage(player, message)
    -- Check for the specific greeting
    if message == "Здравствуй." then

-- Setup the chat listener
local function setupChatListener()
            onChatMessage(player, message)

-- Initialize the chat listener



  • Purpose: Makes the player's character jump repeatedly for 8 seconds.
  • Parameters:
    • player: The player whose character will perform the jumps.
  • Return Type: None
  • Exceptions: Does nothing if the player is invalid or has no humanoid.

onChatMessage(player, message)

  • Purpose: Handles incoming chat messages from players and checks for the specific greeting.
  • Parameters:
    • player: The player who sent the message.
    • message: The content of the chat message.
  • Return Type: None
  • Exceptions: None


  • Purpose: Sets up an event listener for players joining and their chat messages.
  • Parameters: None
  • Return Type: None
  • Exceptions: None

Usage Example

In your Roblox game environment, simply place the code above in a LocalScript or Script. When a player sends "Здравствуй." in the chat, their character will begin to jump repeatedly for 8 seconds.


This Lua function is a simple and effective way to implement character actions based on chat messages within Roblox. By ensuring proper validation and structured code, it adheres to best practices while being efficient and scalable. For more advanced techniques and best practices, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This Lua function for Roblox enables a player's character to jump repeatedly for 8 seconds when the player types "Здравствуй" in the chat, featuring input validation and structured code to enhance functionality.