Code Generator | Lua

Roblox Fire Hydrant Tool Script

This guide provides a detailed Lua script for a Roblox tool that simulates a throwable fire hydrant. It includes features like audio playback, cooldown management, damage dealing, and an interactive throwing mechanism for enhanced

Empty image or helper icon


Here's the tool for roblox i want to make: Its a big ass fire hydrant you hold and you can throw it wherever you click. It should:-Play an audio when equipped -Ignore colission of the player that throws it to avoid any issues -Play a custom animation and sound when used -Be thrown to wherever you click when the animation is finished (also make the model the player holds dissapear) -If it hits another player, deal 50 damage and ragdolls -3.5 second cooldown before use again, model reappears on player's hand when the cooldown finishes and you can use it again. -The thrown hydrant dissapears in 3.5 seconds


Roblox Fire Hydrant Tool Script

This guide provides a Lua script for a Roblox tool that simulates a fire hydrant that players can throw. The script incorporates functionality like audio playback, collision management, animations, damage dealing, and cooldown management.

Key Features

  1. Audio Playback on Equip
  2. Ignore Player Collisions
  3. Custom Animation and Sound on Use
  4. Throwing Mechanics
  5. Damage and Ragdoll on Hit
  6. Cooldown Mechanic
  7. Disappearance after a Set Time

Code Implementation

local Tool ="Tool")
Tool.Name = "FireHydrant"
Tool.RequiresHandle = true
local Handle ="Part")
Handle.Size =, 1, 1)  -- Size of the fire hydrant
Handle.BrickColor ="Bright red")
Handle.Anchored = false
Handle.CanCollide = false
Handle.Parent = Tool
Tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack

local equippedSound ="Sound", Tool)
equippedSound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://YOUR_EQUIP_SOUND_ID"
local throwSound ="Sound")
throwSound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://YOUR_THROW_SOUND_ID"

local cooldown = false
local cooldownDuration = 3.5
local throwDuration = 3.5

local function onEquip()

local function onThrow()
    if cooldown then return end
    cooldown = true
    Tool.Parent = nil  -- Remove tool from player
    -- Play throw sound
    -- Custom animation code goes here
    -- Example: play animation when tool is activated.
    -- wait for animation duration if applicable

    -- Find mouse click location
    local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    local mouse = player:GetMouse()
    local throwPosition = mouse.Hit.Position
    local hydrantThrow = Handle:Clone()  -- Clone handle as thrown object
    hydrantThrow.Position = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +, 5, 0)  -- Initial position
    hydrantThrow.Parent = game.Workspace

    -- Physics for throwing the hydrant
    local bodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity", hydrantThrow)
    bodyVelocity.Velocity = (throwPosition - hydrantThrow.Position).unit * 50  -- Set throw speed
    game.Debris:AddItem(bodyVelocity, throwDuration)  -- Cleanup after duration

        if hit and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
            local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
            humanoid:TakeDamage(50)  -- Deal 50 damage
            -- Ragdoll effect - example
            humanoid.PlatformStand = true
            humanoid.PlatformStand = false

    -- Set time for hydrant to disappear
    game.Debris:AddItem(hydrantThrow, throwDuration)

    wait(cooldownDuration)  -- Wait during cooldown
    Tool.Parent = player.Backpack  -- Re-add tool to player's backpack
    cooldown = false  -- Reset cooldown


Code Explanation

  • Tool & Handle Creation: A tool for the player is created with a part representing the hydrant.
  • Audio Instance: Sounds for equipping and throwing the hydrant are initialized.
  • Cooldown Logic: Prevents the tool from being used directly after activation until the cooldown has expired.
  • Throwing Logic:
    • Retrieves the mouse cursor position.
    • Clones the hydrant part, sets its position, and applies physics for throwing.
    • Connects a Touched event to check for hits on players and apply damage if they are hit.
  • Disappearance Logic: Uses the Debris service to automatically remove the hydrant after a specified duration.

Usage Example

To use the script:

  1. Create a new Tool in Roblox Studio and paste the script into it.
  2. Replace YOUR_EQUIP_SOUND_ID and YOUR_THROW_SOUND_ID with actual Roblox Sound IDs for sound assets.
  3. Test the game in Roblox Studio to ensure all functionalities work as intended, including equipping the tool, throwing it, audio playback, animations, and cooldowns.


This script demonstrates an effective way to create a fun and interactive fire hydrant tool in Roblox. For further learning, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform to deepen your understanding of game development and programming in Lua.

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This guide provides a detailed Lua script for a Roblox tool that simulates a throwable fire hydrant. It includes features like audio playback, cooldown management, damage dealing, and an interactive throwing mechanism for enhanced gameplay experience.