Code Explainer | Lua

Roblox Lua Script: Harm Mechanic Overview

This script implements a function in Roblox Lua for managing damage to humanoid characters, handling death states, updating player statistics, and supporting game mechanics essential for interactive gameplay.

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local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local function harmHuman(human:Humanoid, damage, Part, HitName, Hitpos, KillerPlayer)
    if not human.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('ForceField') and not human.Parent:FindFirstChild('RagdollValue') then
        local h = human.Health - damage
        if human.Health > 0 and h <= 0 then
            if Part then
                -- Set the respective death type value
                if Part.Name:lower():match('arm') or Part.Name:lower():match('hand') or Part.Name:lower():match('leg') or Part.Name:lower():match('foot') then
          'BoolValue', Part.Parent).Name = 'SlowDeath'
                elseif Part.Name:lower():match('torso') then
          'BoolValue', Part.Parent).Name = 'MidDeath'
                elseif Part.Name:lower():match('head') then
          'BoolValue', Part.Parent).Name = 'FastDeath'
            -- Increase kill count and points
            local killerStats = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(KillerPlayer)
            if killerStats and killerStats:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") then
                local kills = killerStats.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Kills")
                local points = killerStats.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Points")
                if kills then
                    kills.Value += 1
                if points then
                    points.Value += 10
        human.Health = math.max(h, 0)
        local killer
        if not human:FindFirstChild("Killer") then
            killer ="ObjectValue", human)
            killer.Name = "Killer"
            killer = human.Killer
        killer.Value = KillerPlayer
    return human.Parent:FindFirstChild('RagdollValue')


Code Explanation: Roblox Lua Script


The provided code is written in Lua, specifically for use within the Roblox game development environment. It defines a function named harmHuman, which handles the mechanics of inflicting damage and determining death types for humanoid characters within a game.

Code Breakdown

1. Service Acquisition

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  • Purpose: This line accesses the Players service from the Roblox game. It allows the script to interact with player-related properties and stats.

2. Function Declaration

local function harmHuman(human:Humanoid, damage, Part, HitName, Hitpos, KillerPlayer)
  • Signature: The function harmHuman takes five parameters:
    • human: Represents the humanoid character that will receive damage. It is typed to ensure it is a Humanoid object.
    • damage: The amount of damage to inflict.
    • Part: The part of the body that was hit.
    • HitName, Hitpos: Additional parameters for hit details, not utilized in this snippet.
    • KillerPlayer: The player responsible for the damage.

3. Checking for Protections

if not human.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('ForceField') and not human.Parent:FindFirstChild('RagdollValue') then
  • Purpose: This condition checks if the humanoid does not have any protective elements:
    • ForceField: Prevents damage when present.
    • RagdollValue: Indicates if the character is in a ragdoll state.

4. Damage Calculation and Death State

local h = human.Health - damage
if human.Health > 0 and h <= 0 then
  • Purpose: Calculates the new health after damage and checks if the humanoid's health has dropped to zero or below, triggering death conditions.

5. Death Type Assignment

if Part then
    if Part.Name:lower():match('arm') or Part.Name:lower():match('hand') or Part.Name:lower():match('leg') or Part.Name:lower():match('foot') then'BoolValue', Part.Parent).Name = 'SlowDeath'
    elseif Part.Name:lower():match('torso') then'BoolValue', Part.Parent).Name = 'MidDeath'
    elseif Part.Name:lower():match('head') then'BoolValue', Part.Parent).Name = 'FastDeath'
  • Purpose: This segment determines the type of death based on which body part receives the final blow.
    • Creates a BoolValue in the character's parent to signify the method of death (slow, mid, or fast).

6. Updating Kill Stats

local killerStats = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(KillerPlayer)
if killerStats and killerStats:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") then
  • Purpose: Retrieves the player who dealt the damage to update their statistics. It checks for the presence of the leaderstats object, which typically contains scores and achievements.

7. Incrementing Kills and Points

local kills = killerStats.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Kills")
local points = killerStats.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Points")
if kills then
    kills.Value += 1
if points then
    points.Value += 10
  • Purpose: Updates the player's kill count and awards points for the kill. Each kill increments the "Kills" score by one and adds ten points.

8. Health Adjustment

human.Health = math.max(h, 0)
  • Purpose: Ensures the humanoid's health is set to a minimum of zero, preventing negative health values.

9. Killer Assignment

local killer
if not human:FindFirstChild("Killer") then
    killer ="ObjectValue", human)
    killer.Name = "Killer"
    killer = human.Killer
killer.Value = KillerPlayer
  • Purpose: Establishes a reference to the player who dealt the killing blow, creating an ObjectValue if it does not already exist.

10. Returning Ragdoll State

return human.Parent:FindFirstChild('RagdollValue')
  • Purpose: Finally, the function returns the RagdollValue if it exists, indicating whether the humanoid is in a ragdoll state.

Key Concepts Explained

  • Humanoid: A special type of object in Roblox that represents a character. It contains properties such as Health and other behavior-related attributes.
  • Service: In Roblox, a service is a container that groups related functionalities (like Players) within the game's architecture.
  • Instance Creation: The function is used to create new objects in Roblox, such as BoolValue for storing state information.


The harmHuman function is a robust implementation for handling damage in a game, determining death mechanics, updating player statistics, and managing character states. Understanding such code is essential for creating interactive gameplay elements in Roblox. Each component of the function contributes critically to the overall functionality and player experience.

For further learning about Lua and game development within the Roblox platform, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This script implements a function in Roblox Lua for managing damage to humanoid characters, handling death states, updating player statistics, and supporting game mechanics essential for interactive gameplay.