Language Translator | JavaScript

Ruby to JavaScript Code Translation for Spriteset Map

This document outlines the translation of the Ruby class `Spriteset_Map` and its method `create_viewports` into JavaScript, preserving the original logic related to viewport calculations and initialization while adapting to JavaScript

Empty image or helper icon


class Spriteset_Map
  # overwrite method: create_viewports
  def create_viewports
    if Graphics.width > $game_map.width * 32 && !$game_map.loop_horizontal?
      dx = (Graphics.width - $game_map.width * 32) / 2
      dx = 0
    dw = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 32].min
    dw = Graphics.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
    if Graphics.height > $game_map.height * 32 && !$game_map.loop_vertical?
      dy = (Graphics.height - $game_map.height * 32) / 2
      dy = 0
    dh = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 32].min
    dh = Graphics.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
    @viewport1 =, dy, dw, dh)
    @viewport2 =, dy, dw, dh)
    @viewport3 =, dy, dw, dh)
    @viewport2.z = 50
    @viewport3.z = 100



Code Translation from Ruby to JavaScript

Original Ruby Code Analysis

The provided Ruby code defines a class Spriteset_Map and implements a method create_viewports. The method does the following:

  1. Calculates offsets dx and dy based on the dimensions of the graphics and the game map, considering whether the map loops horizontally or vertically.
  2. Determines the dimensions dw and dh for displaying the viewports.
  3. Initializes three viewport instances (@viewport1, @viewport2, @viewport3) with the calculated dimensions and offsets.
  4. Sets the z-indexes for the second and third viewports.

JavaScript Translation

Here’s the translated code in JavaScript, maintaining the original functionality and logic:

class SpritesetMap {
  // Method: createViewports
  createViewports() {
    let dx, dw, dy, dh;

    if (Graphics.width > $gameMap.width * 32 && !$gameMap.loopHorizontal()) {
      dx = (Graphics.width - $gameMap.width * 32) / 2;
    } else {
      dx = 0;

    dw = $gameMap.loopHorizontal() ? Graphics.width : Math.min(Graphics.width, $gameMap.width * 32);

    if (Graphics.height > $gameMap.height * 32 && !$gameMap.loopVertical()) {
      dy = (Graphics.height - $gameMap.height * 32) / 2;
    } else {
      dy = 0;

    dh = $gameMap.loopVertical() ? Graphics.height : Math.min(Graphics.height, $gameMap.height * 32);

    this.viewport1 = new Viewport(dx, dy, dw, dh);
    this.viewport2 = new Viewport(dx, dy, dw, dh);
    this.viewport3 = new Viewport(dx, dy, dw, dh);

    this.viewport2.z = 50;
    this.viewport3.z = 100;

Key Points

  • Class and Method Structure: The class name SpritesetMap and method name createViewports follow JavaScript naming conventions.
  • Accessibility: In JavaScript, class properties are accessed using this.
  • Control Flow: The logic for calculating dimensions and offsets is preserved, utilizing ternary operators and standard conditionals.
  • Viewport Initialization: Each viewport is instantiated using the same parameters derived from calculations.

This JavaScript implementation is ready for immediate use, ensuring that its logic and functionality closely mirror the original Ruby code.

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This document outlines the translation of the Ruby class Spriteset_Map and its method create_viewports into JavaScript, preserving the original logic related to viewport calculations and initialization while adapting to JavaScript conventions.