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Russian Text Analyzer in VBA

This VBA function processes Russian text by counting characters, words, and sentences while incorporating error handling and input validation, providing a comprehensive analysis of the text's structure.

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понимаешь русский?


VBA Function to Process Russian Text


In this section, we will create a VBA function that takes a string of Russian text, processes it by counting the number of characters, words, and sentences, and returns these statistics as a string. This function will be robust and include error handling and input validation.

Key Features

  • Character Count
  • Word Count
  • Sentence Count
  • Input Validation
  • Documentation and Inline Comments

VBA Code Implementation

Option Explicit

' Function to analyze Russian text
' Parameters:
'   ByVal inputText As String: The Russian text to analyze
' Returns:
'   String: A summary of the analysis including character, word, and sentence count
' Raises:
'   Exception if the input text is empty
Function AnalyzeRussianText(ByVal inputText As String) As String
    ' Validate input
    If Trim(inputText) = "" Then
        Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "AnalyzeRussianText", "Input text cannot be empty."
    End If
    Dim charCount As Long
    Dim wordCount As Long
    Dim sentenceCount As Long

    ' Count characters
    charCount = Len(inputText)
    ' Count words by splitting the text based on spaces
    wordCount = UBound(Split(Trim(inputText), " ")) + 1
    ' Count sentences by looking for common sentence-ending punctuation
    sentenceCount = UBound(Split(inputText, ".")) + UBound(Split(inputText, "!")) + _
                    UBound(Split(inputText, "?")) + 2 ' Adding 2 accounts for empty sentences

    ' Construct the result summary
    Dim result As String
    result = "Character Count: " & charCount & vbCrLf & _
             "Word Count: " & wordCount & vbCrLf & _
             "Sentence Count: " & sentenceCount

    ' Return result summary
    AnalyzeRussianText = result
End Function

Code Explanation

  1. Validation: The function first checks if the input string is empty. If it is, it raises a custom error to inform the user.
  2. Character Count: Uses Len to count the number of characters in the string.
  3. Word Count: Uses Split to divide the string by spaces and determines the count.
  4. Sentence Count: Splits the text by common punctuation used in Russian sentences (., !, ?).
  5. Result Summary: Constructs a string summarizing the counts and returns it.

Usage Example

Below is an example of how to utilize the AnalyzeRussianText function within a VBA environment.

Sub TestAnalyzeRussianText()
    Dim text As String
    text = "Привет! Как дела? Это пример текста для анализа."  ' Example Russian text
    Dim result As String
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler  ' Setup error handling
    result = AnalyzeRussianText(text)  ' Call the function
    MsgBox result  ' Display the result in a message box
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description  ' Show error message
End Sub


This VBA function offers a straightforward way to analyze Russian text by counting characters, words, and sentences. The function is robust, with built-in error handling and validation, making it a reliable tool for anyone working with Russian language text data.

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This VBA function processes Russian text by counting characters, words, and sentences while incorporating error handling and input validation, providing a comprehensive analysis of the text's structure.