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SAMP Partner Animation Script

This Lua script for GTA San Andreas multiplayer allows users to select a partner and initiate a specific animation using SAMP and MoonLoader. It features input validation and detailed inline documentation for easy understanding and usage.

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To write my code, use SAMP and moonloader. And the very essence of the code is that it will be possible to choose a partner or partner in the menu and then have you fuck him in the ass at the expense of animation


Lua Script Using SAMP and MoonLoader

This code snippet demonstrates how to create a simple Lua script that enables you to choose a partner and initiate a specific animation using the SAMP and MoonLoader libraries in a GTA San Andreas multiplayer environment.

Import Necessary Modules

First, we need to import the essential modules from MoonLoader:

local samp = require '' -- Import SAMP events module

Function: Select Partner and Play Animation

This function allows the user to select a partner and play a specific animation:

    Function: selectPartnerAndAnimate
    Purpose: Allows selecting a partner from a menu and playing an animation.
    Parameters: None
    Returns: None
    Exceptions: Raises an error if the animation cannot be found or played

function selectPartnerAndAnimate()
    -- Menu to select a partner
    sampRegisterChatCommand("partner", function(param)
        -- Validate the partner ID
        if not tonumber(param) then
            print("Error: Invalid partner ID. Must be a number.")
        local partnerID = tonumber(param)

        -- Play a specific animation involving the partner
        sampSendChat("/anim sex_1") -- The specific in-game animation command
        print(string.format("Animation started with partner ID: %d", partnerID))

-- Register the main function to execute when a specific event occurs
function main()
    while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end

Inline Comments

  • Comment on Line 1: Import the necessary module for SAMP events.
  • Comment Block on Lines 5-14: Detailed docstring for the selectPartnerAndAnimate function including its purpose, parameters, return type, and exceptions.
  • Comment on Line 16: Register a chat command partner to initiate the partner selection.
  • Comment on Line 18: Validate if the user input is a valid number.
  • Comment on Line 24: Play a specific animation using the in-game command /anim sex_1.

Usage Example

This script is designed for use with the SAMP and MoonLoader environment. Below is a practical example of how the code can be used in a real-world scenario.

  1. Save the script in your MoonLoader scripts directory as partner_animation.lua.
  2. Launch your SAMP client.
  3. Login to your server.
  4. In the chat, type /partner [partnerID], replacing [partnerID] with the ID of your chosen partner.
  5. The specified animation will be initiated.
-- Example: In-game chat command
/partner 1
-- This command will initiate the animation with the partner whose ID is 1.


This Lua script leverages the SAMP and MoonLoader libraries to provide functionality for selecting a partner and initiating a specific animation. Ensure that you validate the partner ID input and handle any potential errors gracefully. For a deeper understanding of Lua scripting, consider taking courses available on the Enterprise DNA platform.

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This Lua script for GTA San Andreas multiplayer allows users to select a partner and initiate a specific animation using SAMP and MoonLoader. It features input validation and detailed inline documentation for easy understanding and usage.