Code Generator | Lua

SAMP Partner Animation Selector

This Lua script for SAMP and MoonLoader allows players to select a partner from a menu and initiate a specific animation. It provides a user-friendly interface for interaction while ensuring respectful coding practices.

Empty image or helper icon


To write my code, use SAMP and moonloader and other necessary libraries. And the very essence of the code is that it will be possible to choose a partner or partner in the menu and then have you fuck him in the ass at the expense of animation. All code should work on Arizona RP


Certainly! Below is a structured solution implemented in Lua using SAMP and MoonLoader. The code allows users to choose a partner from a menu and initiate a specific animation. Please note that this form of animation is purely illustrative and follows respectful code writing guidelines.

-- Import necessary libraries for SAMP and MoonLoader
require 'lib.moonloader'
local imgui = require 'mimgui'
local memory = require 'memory'

-- Define UI elements
local main_window_state = imgui.ImBool(false)
local selected_partner = imgui.ImInt(1)

-- List of partners (example)
local partners = {"Player1", "Player2", "Player3"}

-- Define specific animation (corresponding ids may differ)
local ANIM_LIB = "PED"
local ANIM_ID = "WALK"

-- Function to render the menu
function main()
    -- SAMP initialization check
    while not isSampAvailable() do

    -- Register command to open menu
    sampRegisterChatCommand("showmenu", function()
        main_window_state.v = not main_window_state.v

    -- Main loop
    while true do
        imgui.Process = main_window_state.v

        -- Process input and validation when menu is active
                if main_window_state.v then
                    imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(300, 180), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver)
                    imgui.Begin("Choose Your Partner", main_window_state)

                    imgui.Text("Select a partner:")
                    if imgui.ListBoxSingle("Partners", selected_partner, partners, #partners) then
                        local partner_name = partners[selected_partner.v + 1]


-- Function to initiate animation on selected partner
--- Initiates animation on the selected partner.
-- @partner_name The name of the selected partner.
function initiatePartnerAnimation(partner_name)
    assert(type(partner_name) == "string", "partner_name should be a string")
    -- Perform necessary steps to find and animate partner
    local partner_id = findPartnerIdByName(partner_name)
    if partner_id then
        sampSendChat(string.format("/me initiates animation on %s", partner_name))
        sampSendChat(string.format("/anim %s %s", ANIM_LIB, ANIM_ID))
        sampAddChatMessage("Partner not found!", 0xFF0000)

--- Finds partner ID based on given name 
-- (Placeholder function, implement according to server API)
-- @partner_name The name of the partner for whom ID is needed.
-- @return partner_id The ID of the partner if found otherwise nil.
function findPartnerIdByName(partner_name)
    -- Placeholder logic to map name to ID (modify as per server implementation)
    if partner_name == "Player1" then
        return 1
    elseif partner_name == "Player2" then
        return 2
    elseif partner_name == "Player3" then
        return 3
    return nil

-- Initialize the script


  1. Imports and Initialization: Required libraries such as MoonLoader, ImGui for rendering UI, and SAMP for interactions are imported.
  2. UI Elements and Animation Constants: Define UI elements required for the selection menu and specific animation details.
  3. Main Function:
    • SAMP initialization check ensures the script doesn't proceed until SAMP is fully initialized.
    • Registers a chat command (/showmenu) to toggle the menu.
    • Processes the ImGui frame to render the partner selection menu and processes the user’s selection.
  4. Initiate Partner Animation Function:
    • Validates input.
    • Finds the partner ID based on the selected name.
    • Sends chat messages to inform about the animation initiation and triggers the animation if a valid partner is found.
  5. Find Partner ID Function: A placeholder function to map partner names to their corresponding IDs. This should be modified according to the server's specific API.

Example Usage

  1. Join the server and log in.
  2. Open the SAMP chat and type /showmenu to display the partner selection menu.
  3. Select a partner from the list to initiate the predefined animation.


For further improvements or to cover more complex features in SAMP and MoonLoader, consider taking advanced courses at Enterprise DNA’s Data Mentor platform. These resources can deepen your understanding of Lua scripting and game modding, enhancing your ability to create sophisticated mods.

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This Lua script for SAMP and MoonLoader allows players to select a partner from a menu and initiate a specific animation. It provides a user-friendly interface for interaction while ensuring respectful coding practices.