Code Generator | Lua

SAMP Teleportation Script Using MoonLoader

This guide details a Lua script for San Andreas Multiplayer that allows players to teleport to specific map markers using the MoonLoader library. Players can set a marker at their current position and teleport to it with simple console

Empty image or helper icon


Напиши код на lua для SAMP с библиотекой moonloader с помощью которого можно телепортироватся через метку на карте после чего нужно прописать команду что бы телепортироватся


Teleport Function for SAMP Using MoonLoader

This guide presents a Lua function utilizing the MoonLoader library for SAMP (San Andreas Multiplayer). It allows players to teleport to exact map markers with a command.

Required Library

  • MoonLoader: Ensure you have the MoonLoader library installed in your SAMP client.

Function Overview

The function enables players to:

  1. Set a teleport marker on the map.
  2. Teleport to that marker using a specific command.

Main Function: Teleport to Marker

Here's the Lua code that implements this functionality:

-- Required Libraries
require "moonloader"

-- Global Variables
local teleportMarker = nil -- This will hold the teleport marker coordinates

-- Function to set the teleport marker based on the player's current position
function setTeleportMarker()
    -- Fetch the player's current position
    local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_CHAR)
    -- Store the coordinates for teleportation
    teleportMarker = {x = playerX, y = playerY, z = playerZ}
    print("Teleport marker set at: ", teleportMarker.x, teleportMarker.y, teleportMarker.z)

-- Function to teleport the player to the marker set
function teleportToMarker()
    if teleportMarker then
        -- Teleport the player to the stored marker coordinates
        setCharCoordinates(PLAYER_CHAR, teleportMarker.x, teleportMarker.y, teleportMarker.z)
        print("Teleported to marker: ", teleportMarker.x, teleportMarker.y, teleportMarker.z)
        print("No teleport marker set. Please set a marker first.")

-- Main command processor
function main()
    while true do
        wait(0) -- Prevent freezing by yielding control back to the game

        -- Check for specific console commands
        if isCommand("setmarker") then
            setTeleportMarker() -- Set the teleportation marker
        elseif isCommand("tpmarker") then
            teleportToMarker() -- Teleport the player to the marker

-- Helper function to check the console command
function isCommand(command)
    local input = getConsoleInput()
    return input and input:lower() == command

Key Points

  • Setting a Marker: The setTeleportMarker function captures the player's current coordinates and stores them for future teleportation.
  • Teleporting: The teleportToMarker function checks if the marker is set and teleports the player to those coordinates.
  • Command Input: Players can type setmarker in the console to set the teleport marker and tpmarker to teleport to it.

Usage Example

  1. Run the Script: Load the Lua script in the MoonLoader.
  2. Set the Marker: Type setmarker in the console to set your current position as the teleport marker.
  3. Teleport: After setting your marker, type tpmarker to teleport to the saved position.


This Lua script created for SAMP with MoonLoader provides a functional teleportation system. For further learning in Lua or game scripting, consider resources available through the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide details a Lua script for San Andreas Multiplayer that allows players to teleport to specific map markers using the MoonLoader library. Players can set a marker at their current position and teleport to it with simple console commands.