Pseudo Code Generator

Simple Arithmetic Calculator Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines a user-friendly calculator program that prompts for two integers and an arithmetic operation, performs calculations, and handles errors like division by zero while displaying the result.

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You are tasked with creating a simple program that will ask the user to input two integer values and then choose the operation (between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) for the calculation.


Pseudo Code for Simple Calculator Program


To create a program that prompts the user for two integer values and an arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to perform on those values.


  1. Start Program

    • Initialize the program.
  2. Input User Values

    • Prompt the user to enter the first integer.
    • Store the first integer as firstValue.
    • Prompt the user to enter the second integer.
    • Store the second integer as secondValue.
  3. Choose Operation

    • Display a menu of operations to the user:
      • "1: Addition"
      • "2: Subtraction"
      • "3: Multiplication"
      • "4: Division"
    • Prompt the user to select an operation.
    • Store the selected operation as operationChoice.
  4. Perform Calculation

    • Initialize a variable result to hold the output.
    • Use conditional statements to determine the selected operation:
      • If operationChoice is 1:
        • Set result = firstValue + secondValue
      • Else if operationChoice is 2:
        • Set result = firstValue - secondValue
      • Else if operationChoice is 3:
        • Set result = firstValue * secondValue
      • Else if operationChoice is 4:
        • If secondValue is not 0:
          • Set result = firstValue / secondValue
        • Else:
          • Display an error message for division by zero.
      • Else:
        • Display an error message for invalid operation choice.
  5. Display Result

    • Print result.
  6. End Program

    • Terminate the program execution.

Pseudo Code

BEGIN Program

    // Input User Values
    PRINT "Enter first integer:"
    INPUT firstValue
    PRINT "Enter second integer:"
    INPUT secondValue
    // Choose Operation
    PRINT "Choose an operation:"
    PRINT "1: Addition"
    PRINT "2: Subtraction"
    PRINT "3: Multiplication"
    PRINT "4: Division"
    INPUT operationChoice
    // Perform Calculation
    IF operationChoice == 1 THEN
        result = firstValue + secondValue
    ELSE IF operationChoice == 2 THEN
        result = firstValue - secondValue
    ELSE IF operationChoice == 3 THEN
        result = firstValue * secondValue
    ELSE IF operationChoice == 4 THEN
        IF secondValue != 0 THEN
            result = firstValue / secondValue
            PRINT "Error: Division by zero."
        END IF
        PRINT "Error: Invalid operation choice."
    END IF
    // Display Result
    PRINT "Result: " + result

END Program


The pseudo code outlines a simple calculator program. It captures user inputs, processes an arithmetic operation based on user choice, and handles basic errors such as division by zero and invalid choices. This structured approach ensures clarity and facilitates understanding of the logic underlying the program.

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This pseudo code outlines a user-friendly calculator program that prompts for two integers and an arithmetic operation, performs calculations, and handles errors like division by zero while displaying the result.