Code Explainer

Simple Calculator Algorithm

This pseudocode demonstrates a basic calculator program that takes two integers and performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division based on user choice, incorporating user input handling and error checking for division by zero.

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// Step 2: User input
DISPLAY "Enter the first integer value:"
INPUT num1

DISPLAY "Enter the second integer value:"
INPUT num2

// Step 6: Choose operation
DISPLAY "Choose an operation: "
DISPLAY "1. Addition"
DISPLAY "2. Subtraction"
DISPLAY "3. Multiplication"
DISPLAY "4. Division"
INPUT operation_choice

// Step 8: Perform calculation based on choice
IF operation_choice == 1 THEN
    result = num1 + num2
    DISPLAY "The result of addition is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 2 THEN
    result = num1 - num2
    DISPLAY "The result of subtraction is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 3 THEN
    result = num1 * num2
    DISPLAY "The result of multiplication is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 4 THEN
    IF num2 != 0 THEN
        result = num1 / num2
        DISPLAY "The result of division is: ", result
        DISPLAY "Error: Division by zero is not allowed."
    END IF
    DISPLAY "Invalid operation choice."



Code Explanation

The provided code snippet is written in a pseudocode format, which represents an algorithm for a simple calculator program. The program takes two integers as input from the user and performs a mathematical operation based on the user's choice.

Breakdown of the Code

1. User Input

DISPLAY "Enter the first integer value:"
INPUT num1

DISPLAY "Enter the second integer value:"
INPUT num2
  • Purpose: This section prompts the user to input two integer values.
  • Functionality:
    • DISPLAY is used to show a message to the user.
    • INPUT captures the integers entered by the user and assigns them to the variables num1 and num2.

2. Choosing an Operation

DISPLAY "Choose an operation: "
DISPLAY "1. Addition"
DISPLAY "2. Subtraction"
DISPLAY "3. Multiplication"
DISPLAY "4. Division"
INPUT operation_choice
  • Purpose: This part allows the user to select the type of arithmetic operation they wish to perform.
  • Functionality:
    • Again, DISPLAY shows the options for operations.
    • INPUT gets the user's choice and stores it in the operation_choice variable.

3. Performing Calculations

IF operation_choice == 1 THEN
    result = num1 + num2
    DISPLAY "The result of addition is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 2 THEN
    result = num1 - num2
    DISPLAY "The result of subtraction is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 3 THEN
    result = num1 * num2
    DISPLAY "The result of multiplication is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 4 THEN
    IF num2 != 0 THEN
        result = num1 / num2
        DISPLAY "The result of division is: ", result
        DISPLAY "Error: Division by zero is not allowed."
    END IF
    DISPLAY "Invalid operation choice."
  • Purpose: This section evaluates the user's choice and performs the corresponding arithmetic operation.
  • Functionality:
    • The IF...ELSE IF...ELSE structure checks the value of operation_choice to determine which mathematical operation to execute.
    • Each condition calculates the result based on the selected operation:
      • 1: Addition (num1 + num2)
      • 2: Subtraction (num1 - num2)
      • 3: Multiplication (num1 * num2)
      • 4: Division (num1 / num2) with a check to prevent division by zero.
    • Results are displayed using DISPLAY.
    • An error message is shown if division by zero is attempted or if an invalid operation is chosen.

Key Concepts Explained

  • Conditional Statements: These allow the program to make decisions based on user input. The IF, ELSE IF, and ELSE constructs guide the logical flow of the program based on conditions.

  • User Input Handling: Capturing user input is vital in interactive programs, allowing them to provide personalized results.

  • Error Handling: Checking for division by zero demonstrates a critical programming practice of validating conditions that can lead to errors.

Additional Example

Here is an alternative version of this calculator logic expressed in Python:

# Step 2: User input
num1 = int(input("Enter the first integer value: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter the second integer value: "))

# Step 6: Choose operation
operation_choice = input("Choose an operation (1: Addition, 2: Subtraction, 3: Multiplication, 4: Division): ")

# Step 8: Perform calculation based on choice
if operation_choice == "1":
    result = num1 + num2
    print("The result of addition is:", result)
elif operation_choice == "2":
    result = num1 - num2
    print("The result of subtraction is:", result)
elif operation_choice == "3":
    result = num1 * num2
    print("The result of multiplication is:", result)
elif operation_choice == "4":
    if num2 != 0:
        result = num1 / num2
        print("The result of division is:", result)
        print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.")
    print("Invalid operation choice.")


This pseudocode essentially implements the basic structure of a calculator program capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Understanding these concepts is foundational for developing more complex programming and computational logic.

For further mastery of these concepts, exploring relevant courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform may provide additional insights and practical applications.

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This pseudocode demonstrates a basic calculator program that takes two integers and performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division based on user choice, incorporating user input handling and error checking for division by zero.