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Simple Calculator: Algorithm, Pseudo Code, and Flowchart

This input provides a detailed breakdown of a simple calculator program, including an algorithm, pseudo code, and flowchart, outlining steps for user inputs, operations, and error handling while performing basic arithmetic calculations.

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Write the algorithm, pseudocode, and flowchart of the problem below.
Problem: You are tasked with creating a simple program that will ask the user to input two integer values and then choose the operation (between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) for the calculation.Instructions
Write the algorithm, pseudocode, and flowchart of the problem below.
Problem: You are tasked with creating a simple program that will ask the user to input two integer values and then choose the operation (between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) for the calculation.


Problem Solving for a Simple Calculator

1. Algorithm

  1. Start
  2. Prompt the user to enter the first integer value (num1).
  3. Store the input as an integer.
  4. Prompt the user to enter the second integer value (num2).
  5. Store the input as an integer.
  6. Display options for operations:
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
    • Multiplication
    • Division
  7. Prompt the user to choose an operation.
  8. Depending on the chosen operation:
    • If addition, calculate the result as result = num1 + num2
    • If subtraction, calculate the result as result = num1 - num2
    • If multiplication, calculate the result as result = num1 * num2
    • If division:
      • Check if num2 is not zero
        • If not zero, calculate the result as result = num1 / num2
        • If zero, display an error message for division by zero.
  9. Display the result of the operation.
  10. End

2. Pseudo Code


// Step 2: User input
DISPLAY "Enter the first integer value:"
INPUT num1

DISPLAY "Enter the second integer value:"
INPUT num2

// Step 6: Choose operation
DISPLAY "Choose an operation: "
DISPLAY "1. Addition"
DISPLAY "2. Subtraction"
DISPLAY "3. Multiplication"
DISPLAY "4. Division"
INPUT operation_choice

// Step 8: Perform calculation based on choice
IF operation_choice == 1 THEN
    result = num1 + num2
    DISPLAY "The result of addition is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 2 THEN
    result = num1 - num2
    DISPLAY "The result of subtraction is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 3 THEN
    result = num1 * num2
    DISPLAY "The result of multiplication is: ", result
ELSE IF operation_choice == 4 THEN
    IF num2 != 0 THEN
        result = num1 / num2
        DISPLAY "The result of division is: ", result
        DISPLAY "Error: Division by zero is not allowed."
    END IF
    DISPLAY "Invalid operation choice."


3. Flowchart

The flowchart outlines the main steps in the process described in the pseudocode.

  1. Start
  2. Input num1 (First Integer)
  3. Input num2 (Second Integer)
  4. Display Operation Menu
  5. Input operation_choice
  6. Decision: Check operation_choice
    • If Addition: Calculate num1 + num2.
    • If Subtraction: Calculate num1 - num2.
    • If Multiplication: Calculate num1 * num2.
    • If Division: Check if num2 ≠ 0
      • If Yes: Calculate num1 / num2.
      • If No: Display error message.
    • Else: Display invalid choice message.
  7. Display Result
  8. End

Note on Flowchart Creation

To create the flowchart, use standard flowchart symbols:

  • Oval for Start and End
  • Rectangle for processes
  • Diamond for decisions
  • Arrows to indicate the flow of the program

By integrating the algorithm, pseudo code, and flowchart, one can maintain a comprehensive structure for the development of a simple calculator program, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding for future reference or implementation.

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This input provides a detailed breakdown of a simple calculator program, including an algorithm, pseudo code, and flowchart, outlining steps for user inputs, operations, and error handling while performing basic arithmetic calculations.