Pseudo Code Generator

Simple Calculator Pseudo Code

This pseudo code details a simple calculator's functionality to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, including user input handling and error management.

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simple calculator


Pseudo Code for a Simple Calculator


This pseudo code outlines the functionality of a simple calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It prompts the user for input, processes the operation, and displays the result.

Main Components

  1. Input Handling
  2. Operation Selection
  3. Calculation Logic
  4. Output Result

Pseudo Code

BEGIN SimpleCalculator

    FUNCTION displayMenu()
        PRINT "Select operation:"
        PRINT "1. Addition"
        PRINT "2. Subtraction"
        PRINT "3. Multiplication"
        PRINT "4. Division"
        PRINT "5. Exit"

    FUNCTION getInput()
        PRINT "Enter first number:"
        READ firstNumber
        PRINT "Enter second number:"
        READ secondNumber
        RETURN firstNumber, secondNumber

    FUNCTION calculate(operation, num1, num2)
        IF operation = 1 THEN
            RETURN num1 + num2 // Addition
        ELSE IF operation = 2 THEN
            RETURN num1 - num2 // Subtraction
        ELSE IF operation = 3 THEN
            RETURN num1 * num2 // Multiplication
        ELSE IF operation = 4 THEN
            IF num2 = 0 THEN
                PRINT "Error: Division by zero is undefined."
                RETURN NULL
                RETURN num1 / num2 // Division
            END IF
            PRINT "Invalid operation selected."
            RETURN NULL
        END IF

    // Main logic
    DECLARE exitProgram AS BOOLEAN
    SET exitProgram = FALSE

    WHILE NOT exitProgram DO
        CALL displayMenu()
        READ userChoice
        IF userChoice = 5 THEN
            SET exitProgram = TRUE
            PRINT "Exiting the calculator."
            firstNumber, secondNumber = CALL getInput()
            result = CALL calculate(userChoice, firstNumber, secondNumber)
            IF result IS NOT NULL THEN
                PRINT "Result:", result
            END IF
        END IF

END SimpleCalculator

Explanation of the Components

  • displayMenu(): Displays a list of operations for the user to choose from.
  • getInput(): Prompts the user to enter two numbers and returns them as input.
  • calculate(): Takes the chosen operation and two numbers, performs the operation, and handles division by zero errors.
  • Main Logic: Manages the flow of the program, including displaying the menu, taking user input, performing calculations, and showing results.


This pseudo code serves as a foundation for implementing a simple calculator program. It can be easily translated into various programming languages by following the structured logic presented here.

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This pseudo code details a simple calculator's functionality to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, including user input handling and error management.