Pseudo Code Generator

Simple Calculator Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines a basic calculator program that prompts users for an operation and two numbers, validates input, performs calculations, and handles division by zero, ensuring a straightforward implementation.

Empty image or helper icon


Write a design to calculate and display the sum, subtraction, division or multiplication of 2 prompted numbers

Prompt the user for a type of calculation ( + - * / )
Prompt the user for 2 numbers
Calculate and display the answer


Pseudo Code for Basic Calculator


  • Prompt the user for a type of calculation.
  • Prompt the user for two numbers.
  • Perform the calculation based on the user's input.
  • Display the result.

Pseudo Code

Step 1: Start


Step 2: Prompt for Calculation Type

DISPLAY "Enter the type of calculation (+, -, *, /):"
READ calculationType

Step 3: Validate Calculation Type

IF calculationType NOT IN (+, -, *, /) THEN
    DISPLAY "Invalid operation. Please enter one of +, -, *, /."

Step 4: Prompt for Numbers

DISPLAY "Enter the first number:"
READ firstNumber

DISPLAY "Enter the second number:"
READ secondNumber

Step 5: Perform Calculation

IF calculationType == '+' THEN
    result = firstNumber + secondNumber
ELSE IF calculationType == '-' THEN
    result = firstNumber - secondNumber
ELSE IF calculationType == '*' THEN
    result = firstNumber * secondNumber
ELSE IF calculationType == '/' THEN
    IF secondNumber == 0 THEN
        DISPLAY "Division by zero is not allowed."
        result = firstNumber / secondNumber

Step 6: Display Result

DISPLAY "The result is: " + result

Step 7: End



This pseudo code describes a simple calculator program that prompts the user to select an operation (+, -, *, or /) and then asks for two numeric inputs to perform the selected operation. It includes validation for operation and handles division by zero, ensuring a clear and understandable structure for implementing the functionality.

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This pseudo code outlines a basic calculator program that prompts users for an operation and two numbers, validates input, performs calculations, and handles division by zero, ensuring a straightforward implementation.