Lua Menu Frame with Exit Button
This document provides a Lua function to generate a simple graphical user interface (GUI) menu frame with a specified size and an exit button.
Required Libraries
To create GUI applications in Lua, you typically need a library such as LÖVE (also known as Love2D). Ensure you have this library available in your environment for the code to run properly.
Code Implementation
Here’s the implementation of a function to create a menu frame:
-- Load the necessary libraries
local love = require("love")
--- Create a simple menu frame with an exit button
-- @param width Number: The width of the menu frame
-- @param height Number: The height of the menu frame
function createMenuFrame(width, height)
-- Input validation
if type(width) ~= "number" or type(height) ~= "number" then
error("Width and height must be numbers")
-- Set up the window dimensions
love.window.setMode(width, height)
love.window.setTitle("Menu Frame")
-- Define button properties
local exitButton = {
x = width / 2 - 50,
y = height / 2 - 20,
width = 100,
height = 40,
label = "Exit"
-- Draw function to create the GUI
function love.draw()
-- Draw the menu background, 0.2, 0.2) -- Set background color, 1, 1) -- Set color to white for text"Menu Frame", 0, height / 4, width, "center") -- Menu title
-- Draw the exit button, 0.2, 0.2) -- Button color"fill", exitButton.x, exitButton.y, exitButton.width, exitButton.height), 1, 1) -- Text color, exitButton.x, exitButton.y + 10, exitButton.width, "center")
-- Mouse pressed event to handle the exit button click
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch, presses)
if button == 1 then -- Left mouse button
if x >= exitButton.x and x <= (exitButton.x + exitButton.width) and
y >= exitButton.y and y <= (exitButton.y + exitButton.height) then
love.event.quit() -- Exit the application
-- Initialize the love application
function love.load()
createMenuFrame(300, 300)
Code Explanation
- Libraries: We require the LÖVE framework to handle the GUI functionalities.
- createMenuFrame Function: Responsible for setting up the menu frame dimensions, drawing the interface, and handling user interactions.
- Input Validation: Ensures that the parameters are numeric; otherwise, it raises an error.
- Window Settings: Configures the window size and title.
- Draw Method: Handles the drawing of the frame, background, and the exit button.
- Mouse Interaction: Checks for mouse clicks and exits the application if the exit button is pressed.
Usage Example
To test this code, you will need to run it in a LÖVE environment:
- Save the code in a file named
. - Launch it using LÖVE by running
love .
in the directory containingmain.lua
This will open a 300 by 300 window with a simple menu and an exit button. Clicking the "Exit" button will close the application.
This Lua script provides a foundational GUI application model suitable for further development. Explore more about GUI design using platforms like Enterprise DNA to enhance your skills in data analysis and programming!
This document provides a Lua function to create a basic graphical user interface (GUI) menu frame using the LÖVE framework, complete with input validation and an exit button functionality.