Pseudo Code Generator

Sine Function Evaluation using Taylor Series

This pseudo code calculates the sine of an angle using its Taylor series expansion. It computes terms up to a specified order, displaying cumulative results and percent relative error compared to the true sine value.

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The sine function can be evaluated by the following infinite series:
Write an algorithm to implement this formula so that it computes and prints out the values of sin x as each term in the series is added. Compute and print in sequence the values for 
Up to order term n. For each of the preceding, compute and display the percent relative error as


Pseudo Code for Sine Function Evaluation using Infinite Series


This pseudo code aims to compute the sine of an angle ( x ) using its Taylor series expansion. The algorithm will evaluate terms in the series up to a specified order ( n ), printing the cumulative sine value as each term is added, and calculating the percent relative error compared to the true value of sine.


  • x: The angle in radians for which sine needs to be computed.
  • n: The order up to which the series will be computed.


  • TRUE_SIN: The true sine value computed using a built-in sine function for error calculation.


  1. Input value for x and n
  2. Initialize variables
    • sin_x: Initialize to 0 (to store cumulative sine value)
    • factorial: Initialize to 1 (to compute factorial for each term)
    • power: Initialize to x (to compute power of x for each term)
    • sign: Initialize to 1 (to alternate signs in the series)
  3. Compute TRUE_SIN
  4. Loop from i = 0 to n - 1
    1. Compute term
      • Term = sign * (power / factorial)
    2. Update sin_x
      • sin_x = sin_x + term
    3. Print current term, cumulative sin_x, and TRUE_SIN
    4. Compute percent relative error
      • percent_error = 100 * abs((TRUE_SIN - sin_x) / TRUE_SIN)
    5. Print percent relative error
    6. Update power, sign, and factorial for the next term
      • power = power * x * x (x^2 for the next term)
      • sign = -sign (alternate sign for the series)
      • factorial = factorial * ((2 * i + 2) * (2 * i + 3)) (update factorial for (2i + 2)! = (2i + 2) * (2i + 1)!)

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION compute_sine(x, n)
    TRUE_SIN = sin(x)  // Compute true sine value

    sin_x = 0          // Initialize cumulative sine value
    factorial = 1      // Initialize factorial for the first term
    power = x          // Initialize power of x for the first term
    sign = 1           // Initialize sign for the series

    FOR i FROM 0 TO n - 1 DO
        term = sign * (power / factorial)  // Calculate current term
        sin_x = sin_x + term                // Update cumulative sine

        PRINT "Term", i, ":", term           // Print the current term
        PRINT "Cumulative sin_x:", sin_x    // Print cumulative sine value
        percent_error = 100 * abs((TRUE_SIN - sin_x) / TRUE_SIN)  // Calculate percent error
        PRINT "Percent Relative Error:", percent_error  // Print percent error

        power = power * x * x                // Update power for the next term
        sign = -sign                          // Alternate sign
        factorial = factorial * ((2 * i + 2) * (2 * i + 3))  // Update factorial


This pseudo code provides a clear and systematic way to compute the sine of an angle using its Taylor series up to a specified order. The algorithm efficiently retains clarity while outlining each computational step necessary for evaluating both the sine value and its corresponding percent relative error.

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This pseudo code calculates the sine of an angle using its Taylor series expansion. It computes terms up to a specified order, displaying cumulative results and percent relative error compared to the true sine value.