Formula Generator | Excel

Skip Zero Values in Excel

This guide explains how to create an Excel formula using INDEX and MATCH to find the first non-zero value in a specified range, effectively skipping any zero entries.

Empty image or helper icon


if value is zero, then go to the next number


Excel Formula for Skipping Zero Values

Formula Overview

To create a formula that skips zero values and moves to the next non-zero number in a range, you can utilize the INDEX, MATCH, and IF functions in Excel.


The following formula can be employed to find the next non-zero value in a specified range. Assuming your range is A1:A10, the formula is as follows:

=INDEX(A1:A10, MATCH(TRUE, A1:A10<>0, 0))

Explanation of the Formula

  • INDEX Function: INDEX(array, row_num) returns the value at the specified row number from the given array.

    • In this case, A1:A10 is the array from which we want to return a value.
  • MATCH Function: MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type) returns the position of a specified value in a range.

    • Here, TRUE is used as the lookup_value, and A1:A10<>0 is the lookup_array, which checks if each element in the range is non-zero.
    • The match_type is set to 0, indicating that an exact match is required.
  • Logical Condition (A1:A10<>0): This creates an array of TRUE/FALSE values, where TRUE indicates that the corresponding value in the range is non-zero.

Practical Illustration

Example Usage

Assume the following values in range A1:A10:


Using the formula:

=INDEX(A1:A10, MATCH(TRUE, A1:A10<>0, 0))


  • The formula will return 2, which is the first non-zero value encountered in the range A1:A10.


This formula efficiently identifies the first non-zero entry in a specified range and can be modified to accommodate different ranges as needed. For more advanced data handling and formula techniques, consider exploring resources available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide explains how to create an Excel formula using INDEX and MATCH to find the first non-zero value in a specified range, effectively skipping any zero entries.