Code Explainer

SQL Query Breakdown for Order Data Retrieval

This document analyzes an SQL query that extracts unique order records from multiple tables, highlighting key components like joins, selection criteria, and sorting methods to manage order statuses and stock information in a relational

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SELECT DISTINCT [PMATES OPEN SO].[MARKING CODE], [DO] & [PMATES OPEN SO]![ITEM NUMBER] AS [Unique], Stock_Points.[Stock point1] AS [Parent DC], [PMATES OPEN SO].BRANCH, [PMATES OPEN SO].DO, [PMATES OPEN SO].[ITEM NUMBER], [PMATES OPEN SO].[SUPPLIED P/N], [PMATES OPEN SO].[PART NAME], [PMATES OPEN SO].[DIST REF NO], [PMATES OPEN SO].[ORD DATE], [PMATES OPEN SO].[REQ DATE2], [PMATES OPEN SO].[SUSPEND QTY], [PMATES OPEN SO].[BACK ORDER QTY], [PMATES OPEN SO].[ALLOCATED QTY], [PMATES OPEN SO].[DO AMOUNT], [PMATES OPEN SO].[DO UNT PRICE], [PMATES OPEN SO].[STOCK LEVEL A408], [PMATES OPEN SO].[STOCK LEVEL A346], [PMATES OPEN SO].[STOCK LEVEL A210], [PMATES OPEN SO].CUSTOMERNAME, [PMATES OPEN SO].[CUSTOMER INFORMATION], IIf([PMATES OPEN SO]![DO AMOUNT]>=10000,"CHECK"," ") AS [Value Flag], ACTION_1040.[Allocated to], ACTION_1040.[Allocation Date], ACTION_1040.[Source Location], ACTION_1040.[Service Level], ACTION_1040.[Purchase Order], ACTION_1040.[Allocation Required], ACTION_1040.ETA, ACTION_1040.Comments, ACTION_1040.[Expediting PIC], ACTION_1040.[Expediting Comments], ACTION_1040.[Expediting Complete Y/N], ACTION_1040.[AX Update], [PMATES OPEN SO].[DC RANK], IIf([REQ DATE2]=#1/1/1900#,"NEW CAL",IIf([ACTION_1040]![ETA]=#1/1/2000#,"TBA",IIf([ACTION_1040]![ETA] Is Null,"TBA",IIf([ETA]>=[REQ DATE2],"Expedite","OK")))) AS [Requirement Check], [PMATES OPEN SO].[DO C&H ORDER TYPE                                               ], IIf([ACTION_1040]![ETA]=#1/1/2000#,"TBA",IIf([ACTION_1040]![ETA] Is Null,"TBA",IIf([ETA]0)) OR ((([PMATES OPEN SO].DO) Like "D*" Or ([PMATES OPEN SO].DO) Like "E*" Or ([PMATES OPEN SO].DO) Like "U*") AND (([PMATES OPEN SO].[BACK ORDER QTY])>0))


Breakdown of SQL Query

The provided code snippet is an SQL query designed to retrieve specific data from a database, likely used within a relational database management system such as Microsoft Access, as indicated by the syntax and functions used. Below is a structured breakdown of the query.

Query Overview


The primary purpose of this query is to generate a distinct list of records with specific fields from a combination of tables related to orders and their statuses. The output includes supplier, stock, and order-related information, and it applies conditional logic to flag certain entries.

Key Components


The SELECT DISTINCT clause retrieves unique rows from the result set. This prevents duplicate records for those fields specified after it.

2. Column Selection

The query selects multiple fields from the [PMATES OPEN SO] table and other joined tables, as follows:

  • [MARKING CODE]: A code likely used for identifying the order or transaction.
  • [Unique]: A concatenated field combining [DO] and [ITEM NUMBER] to create a unique identifier for each item order.
  • Multiple fields such as [SUPPLIED P/N], [PART NAME], [ORD DATE], and [DO AMOUNT] provide various order details.
  • Logical flags like [Value Flag] and [Requirement Check] derived from conditional statements.

3. FROM Clause

The FROM clause contains multiple LEFT JOIN operations, indicating how tables are combined:

  • First Join (PMATES OPEN SO and ACTION_1040): Links orders to their corresponding actions based on matching DO numbers and ITEM NUMBER.
  • Second Join (Stock_Points): Associates stock points (distribution centers) with branch information.
  • Third Join (Branch_Stock_1): Relates supplied part numbers to stock quantities.

4. WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause filters records based on the following conditions:

  • Only records with DO values starting with "D", "E", or "U" are considered.
  • Only orders that have either a SUSPEND QTY or BACK ORDER QTY greater than zero are included, allowing for management of orders that are not fully processed.

5. ORDER BY Clause

Finally, the ORDER BY clause sorts the results based on:

  • BRANCH: Groups orders by their corresponding branches.
  • DO: Further organizes the results by the delivery order.
  • [ITEM NUMBER]: Orders by item number for easy identification.

Key Concepts Explained


  • A LEFT JOIN returns all records from the left table and matched records from the right table, if any. Unmatched rows in the right table will show as NULL.

2. Conditional Logic with IIf

  • The IIf function in SQL is similar to an if-else statement. It evaluates an expression and returns one value if true, and another if false.
    • E.g., IIf([PMATES OPEN SO]![DO AMOUNT]>=10000,"CHECK"," ") checks if DO AMOUNT exceeds ten thousand and assigns a flag accordingly.

3. LIKE Operator

  • The LIKE operator is used for pattern matching within string fields. For example, Like "D*" matches any string where the first character is "D".

Additional Examples

To illustrate similar functionalities, consider a more straightforward SQL example:

Example: Simplified SELECT Query

SELECT ProductID, ProductName, Price
FROM Products
WHERE Price > 20.00
ORDER BY ProductName;
  • This example fetches products priced over 20.00 and orders them by ProductName.


The provided SQL query demonstrates how to extract distinct records with specific conditions from multiple related tables, showcasing SQL's capabilities for data manipulation and retrieval. Understanding each component will aid in developing optimized queries for similar database operations.

For further learning on SQL and database management systems, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform, which offers a range of courses tailored to enhancing data analytics competencies.

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This document analyzes an SQL query that extracts unique order records from multiple tables, highlighting key components like joins, selection criteria, and sorting methods to manage order statuses and stock information in a relational database.