Pseudo Code Generator

Stack Contains String Function

The `contains` function checks if a specified string exists within a stack. It iterates through the elements, returning `True` if found and `False` otherwise, while maintaining the integrity of the stack if necessary.

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def contains(stackName: Stack, search: str):


Pseudo Code for Function: contains

Function Purpose

The purpose of the contains function is to determine whether a given string is present within a specified stack.


  • stackName: A Stack data structure containing elements.
  • search: A string value to be searched within the stack.

Pseudo Code Structure

  1. Start Function

    • Define the function contains(stackName, search).
  2. Initialize Variable

    • Create a variable found and set it to False.
  3. Check Stack Condition

    • If stackName is empty:
      • Return found (still False).
  4. Iterate Through Stack

    • While stackName is not empty:
      • Pop the top element from stackName and assign it to element.
  5. Check Element Against Search String

    • If element is equal to search:
      • Set found to True.
      • Break the loop (exit the iteration).
  6. Check if Element is Not Found

    • Optionally, if found is still False and stackName is not empty, you could push element back onto stackName if it is necessary to restore the stack. This step can be omitted if the stack's integrity doesn't need to be preserved.
  7. Return Result

    • Return the value of found.

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION contains(stackName, search)
    SET found TO False

    IF stackName IS EMPTY THEN
        RETURN found

        SET element TO POP from stackName
        IF element EQUALS search THEN
            SET found TO True


    RETURN found


This pseudo code clearly lays out the logic for checking if a specific string exists in the stack. It initializes a flag to indicate whether the search string has been found, iterates through the stack, and checks each element against the desired string, ultimately returning whether the string was found. This approach ensures clarity and is easily understandable for documentation purposes.

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The contains function checks if a specified string exists within a stack. It iterates through the elements, returning True if found and False otherwise, while maintaining the integrity of the stack if necessary.