Code Simplifier | DAX

Streamlined DAX Code for Finding Common Products

This document presents a simplified and minified version of DAX code to identify common products between sales and target data specific to "Region A," enhancing readability and maintenance while retaining functionality.

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can you simplfy this

CommonProducts = 
VAR SalesProducts = 

VAR TargetProducts =

VAR CommonSalesTarget = 
    INTERSECT(SalesProducts, TargetProducts)

VAR SalesRegion = 
        CROSSJOIN(Sales, Region),
        Region[RegionName] = "Region A"

VAR TargetRegion = 
        CROSSJOIN(Target, Region),
        Region[RegionName] = "Region A"

VAR CommonRegionProducts =
        SELECTCOLUMNS(SalesRegion, "ProductID", Sales[ProductID]),
        SELECTCOLUMNS(TargetRegion, "ProductID", Target[ProductID])

    INTERSECT(CommonSalesTarget, CommonRegionProducts)


Sure, I can help simplify and minify the provided DAX code snippet. Below is the streamlined version.

Original Code Analysis

  1. Identify Sales and Target Products: Using DISTINCT to get unique ProductID from Sales and Target.
  2. Find Common Products: Using INTERSECT to find common ProductID between Sales and Target.
  3. Filter Region A Sales and Target: Apply FILTER and CROSSJOIN to get Sales and Target for "Region A".
  4. Get Common Products in Region A: Using INTERSECT on ProductID from the filtered data.
  5. Final Common Products: Using INTERSECT to find common products across overall sales/targets and Region A.

Minified Code

CommonProducts =
VAR SalesProducts = DISTINCT(Sales[ProductID])
VAR TargetProducts = DISTINCT(Target[ProductID])
VAR CommonSalesTarget = INTERSECT(SalesProducts, TargetProducts)
VAR SalesRegion = FILTER(Sales, Sales[RegionName] = "Region A")
VAR TargetRegion = FILTER(Target, Target[RegionName] = "Region A")
VAR CommonRegionProducts = INTERSECT(SELECTCOLUMNS(SalesRegion, "ProductID", Sales[ProductID]), SELECTCOLUMNS(TargetRegion, "ProductID", Target[ProductID]))
RETURN INTERSECT(CommonSalesTarget, CommonRegionProducts)

Key Changes

  • Code Duplication Removal: Removed the unnecessary CROSSJOIN with Region table by directly filtering on RegionName.
  • Whitespace Elimination: Cleaned up extra spaces and line breaks.
  • Consistent Formatting: Ensured all logical steps are concise and correctly formatted.

Derived Outputs and Testing

To verify the functionality after simplification, run through test cases ensuring expected and actual outputs match. For example:

Test Case


  • Sales Table:
    • Columns: ProductID, RegionName
  • Target Table:
    • Columns: ProductID, RegionName

Region Filter:

  • "Region A"

Expected Output:

  • List of ProductID common to both Sales and Target, specific to "Region A".


The simplified version accomplishes the same as the original but in a more readable and maintainable format. For more advanced DAX training, consider exploring resources on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document presents a simplified and minified version of DAX code to identify common products between sales and target data specific to "Region A," enhancing readability and maintenance while retaining functionality.