Pseudo Code Generator

Sum of Digits with REPEAT-UNTIL Loop

This pseudo code illustrates a method to calculate the sum of digits in a number using a `REPEAT-UNTIL` loop, detailing the necessary steps and operations to extract and sum each digit until the number is reduced to zero.

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Construct a REPEAT-UNTIL loop to calculate the sum of digits of a number.


Pseudo Code for Sum of Digits using REPEAT-UNTIL Loop


To create a REPEAT-UNTIL loop that calculates the sum of the digits of a given number.


  • number: The input number provided by the user.
  • sum: A variable to hold the cumulative sum of the digits (initialized to 0).
  • digit: A variable to hold the current digit being processed.

Pseudo Code

1. INPUT number 
2. SET sum = 0
    a. SET digit = number MOD 10   // Extract the last digit of the number
    b. SET sum = sum + digit        // Add the last digit to the sum
    c. SET number = number DIV 10    // Remove the last digit from the number
4. UNTIL number = 0                // Continue until there are no digits left
5. OUTPUT sum                      // Return the sum of the digits


  • The program starts by taking an integer input (number).
  • It initializes sum to zero.
  • The REPEAT loop continues to execute until the number is reduced to zero.
    • In each iteration, the last digit is extracted using the modulus operation (MOD).
    • This digit is then added to sum.
    • The last digit is then removed from number using the division operation (DIV).
  • Once all digits are processed, the total sum is outputted.


This pseudo code outlines a clear and structured method to compute the sum of the digits in a number using a REPEAT-UNTIL loop, enhancing clarity and facilitating understanding during the software development process.

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This pseudo code illustrates a method to calculate the sum of digits in a number using a REPEAT-UNTIL loop, detailing the necessary steps and operations to extract and sum each digit until the number is reduced to zero.