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Supermarket Item Price Analysis Pseudo Code

This pseudo code provides a clear algorithm to analyze supermarket items, calculating the average price and listing items priced below $10, with handling for cases with no such items.

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he 1D array Products[] contains the names of items in a supermarket.

The 1D array Prices[] contains the price of each item in the supermarket.

There are 50 items in the supermarket.

Both arrays have already been declared and the data initialised.

Write a program that would meet the following requirements:

calculate and output the average price of all items in the supermarket.
find and output the name of items with price less than 10


Pseudo Code for Supermarket Item Price Analysis

This pseudo code addresses the requirements for processing a 1D array of products and their corresponding prices in a supermarket.


  • Two arrays, Products[] and Prices[], have been initialized with 50 items each.
  • Each index i in Products[] corresponds to the same index in Prices[], representing the name and price of the items, respectively.


  1. Calculate and output the average price of all items.
  2. Find and output the names of items priced below 10.

Pseudo Code

    // Step 1: Initialize variables
    SET totalPrice = 0
    SET countItemsBelow10 = 0
    // Step 2: Calculate total price
    FOR i FROM 0 TO 49 DO
        totalPrice = totalPrice + Prices[i]

    // Step 3: Calculate average price
    SET averagePrice = totalPrice / 50

    // Step 4: Output average price
    OUTPUT "Average Price: ", averagePrice

    // Step 5: Find and output names of items with price < 10
    OUTPUT "Items priced below 10:"
    FOR i FROM 0 TO 49 DO
        IF Prices[i] < 10 THEN
            OUTPUT Products[i]
            countItemsBelow10 = countItemsBelow10 + 1
        END IF

    // Step 6: Handle case with no items below 10
    IF countItemsBelow10 == 0 THEN
        OUTPUT "No items priced below 10"
    END IF


  • The program initializes a totalPrice variable to keep track of the cumulative price of items.
  • A loop iterates through each item's price to compute the total price.
  • The average price is calculated by dividing the total price by the number of items (50).
  • The program then outputs the average price.
  • Another loop checks each price, and if it is below 10, the corresponding product name is outputted.
  • A count is maintained to handle the case where no products are below 10, ensuring polite output in that scenario.

This structured approach thoroughly addresses the requirements of the problem while maintaining clarity and understanding for efficient implementation.

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This pseudo code provides a clear algorithm to analyze supermarket items, calculating the average price and listing items priced below $10, with handling for cases with no such items.