Pseudo Code Generator

Topping Selection Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines a logical process for users to select toppings for a food item, validating input and allowing selections while providing error feedback, culminating in a summary of chosen toppings.

Empty image or helper icon


Enter Number of toppings 
 Check number of toppings chosen 
 Display toppings available 
 Provide method of selection 
 Only accept correct selections 
 Error message if topping not found 
 Finish selection


Pseudo Code for Topping Selection


This pseudo code outlines the logic for allowing a user to select toppings for a food item, ensuring valid selections are made, and providing appropriate feedback for erroneous input.

Pseudo Code Structure

  1. Initialize Variables
  2. Enter Number of Toppings
  3. Display Available Toppings
  4. Selection Process
  5. Confirmation and Completion

Pseudo Code


    // Step 1: Initialize Variables
    Define availableToppings as List of strings
    Define selectedToppings as List of strings
    Define maxToppings as Integer

    // Populate available toppings
    availableToppings = ["Cheese", "Pepperoni", "Mushroom", "Onion", "Olives", "Green Peppers"]
    maxToppings = input("Enter the number of toppings you would like to choose: ")

    // Step 2: Check number of toppings chosen
    IF maxToppings <= 0 THEN
        PRINT "Please select at least one topping."
    END IF

    // Step 3: Display available toppings
    PRINT "Available toppings:"
    FOR each topping IN availableToppings DO
        PRINT topping

    // Step 4: Provide method of selection
    WHILE length(selectedToppings) < maxToppings DO
        userSelection = input("Select a topping (or type 'done' to finish): ")

        IF userSelection EQUALS "done" THEN
        END IF
        // Only accept correct selections
        IF userSelection IN availableToppings THEN
            ADD userSelection TO selectedToppings
            PRINT userSelection + " added to your selection."
            PRINT "Error: topping not found. Please select a valid topping."
        END IF

    // Step 5: Finish selection
    PRINT "Your selected toppings are:"
    FOR each topping IN selectedToppings DO
        PRINT topping

    PRINT "Thank you for your selections!"


Explanation of the Logic

  • Initialization: The program begins by defining lists to hold available and selected toppings and prompts the user for the number of toppings they wish to select.

  • Input Validation: Immediately checks if the number of requested toppings is valid. It terminates if the user's input is less than or equal to zero.

  • Displaying Toppings: It lists out the available toppings for the user to choose from.

  • Selection Loop: The user is prompted to select toppings one by one. The program ensures that the selection is valid and provides an error message for invalid entries. The loop continues until the specified number of toppings is reached or the user indicates they are finished.

  • Final Output: Displays all selected toppings at the end and thanks the user for their choices.

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This pseudo code outlines a logical process for users to select toppings for a food item, validating input and allowing selections while providing error feedback, culminating in a summary of chosen toppings.