Pseudo Code Generator

Ubchi Decipher Method Decoding

This document details a structured pseudocode approach to decode a cipher text using the Ubchi method with a given key. It includes steps for initializing variables, preprocessing the key, iterating through characters, and outputting the

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Generate a pseudocode decoding "notti vgfstrermasee eaien ur o peuitrnoa msz veadstI" using ubchi decifer method and the key is "Cipher"


Pseudo Code for Decoding using Ubchi Decipher Method


This document provides a structured approach to decode a given string using the Ubchi decipher method. The input string is "notti vgfstrermasee eaien ur o peuitrnoa msz veadstI" and the key for decoding is "Cipher".


  • Cipher Text: "notti vgfstrermasee eaien ur o peuitrnoa msz veadstI"
  • Key: "Cipher"

Steps to Decode

  1. Initialize Variables

    • Set cipherText to "notti vgfstrermasee eaien ur o peuitrnoa msz veadstI"
    • Set key to "Cipher"
    • Create an empty string decodedMessage
  2. Preprocess Key

    • Normalize the key by converting it to lowercase
    • Create a variable keyLength to store the length of the key
  3. Iterate Over Each Character in Cipher Text

    • For each index i, in range from 0 to the length of cipherText:
      • Get the current character char at index i
      • Check if char is a letter (ignoring spaces and punctuation):
        • If it is a letter:
          • Get the corresponding character from the key based on the current index i modulo keyLength
          • Determine the character's position in the alphabet (0-indexed, 'a' is 0)
          • Calculate the shift value using the key character's position
          • Apply the reverse transformation to the current character by subtracting the shift value
          • Append the decoded character to decodedMessage
        • If it is not a letter:
          • Append char to decodedMessage directly
  4. Output the Decoded Message

    • Return or print decodedMessage

Pseudo Code

function decodeUbchi(cipherText, key):
    decodedMessage = ""

    normalizedKey = toLowerCase(key)
    keyLength = length(normalizedKey)

    for i from 0 to length(cipherText) - 1:
        char = cipherText[i]
        if isLetter(char):
            keyChar = normalizedKey[i % keyLength]
            shiftValue = positionInAlphabet(keyChar)  // 'a' = 0, 'b' = 1, ...
            decodedChar = reverseShift(char, shiftValue)
            decodedMessage += decodedChar
            decodedMessage += char  // Include spaces/punctuation directly

    return decodedMessage

function isLetter(char):
    return (char >= 'a' and char <= 'z') or (char >= 'A' and char <= 'Z')

function positionInAlphabet(char):
    return toLowerCase(char) - 'a'

function reverseShift(char, shift):
    if char >= 'a' and char <= 'z':
        return chr(((ord(char) - ord('a') - shift + 26) % 26) + ord('a'))
    else if char >= 'A' and char <= 'Z':
        return chr(((ord(char) - ord('A') - shift + 26) % 26) + ord('A'))
        return char  // Non-alphabet characters remain unchanged


This pseudocode outlines the steps required to decode the cipher text using the Ubchi decipher method with the provided key. It focuses on readability and understanding while maintaining the essential logic of the decoding process.

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This document details a structured pseudocode approach to decode a cipher text using the Ubchi method with a given key. It includes steps for initializing variables, preprocessing the key, iterating through characters, and outputting the decoded message.