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Understanding Dynamic Arrays in VBA

This guide explains dynamic arrays in VBA, covering subroutine declaration, array initialization, population, resizing, and outputting values. It highlights key concepts like ReDim, looping structures, and debugging with the Immediate

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Sub ExampleDynamicArray()
    Dim i As Integer
    ' Initial size of the array
    ReDim dynamicArray(1 To 5)
    ' Populate the array
    For i = 1 To 5
        dynamicArray(i) = i * 10   ' Example values: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
    Next i

    ' Resize the array to accommodate more elements
    ReDim Preserve dynamicArray(1 To 10)
    ' Add new elements to the array
    For i = 6 To 10
        dynamicArray(i) = i * 10   ' Example values: now includes 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
    Next i
    ' Output the array content to the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G to view)
    For i = 1 To UBound(dynamicArray)
        Debug.Print dynamicArray(i)
    Next i
End Sub


Code Overview

The provided code snippet is written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and demonstrates the use of dynamic arrays within a subroutine. The primary functionality includes initializing a dynamic array, populating it with values, resizing the array, and outputting the values to the Immediate Window.

Detailed Breakdown

1. Subroutine Declaration

Sub ExampleDynamicArray()

This line declares a new subroutine named ExampleDynamicArray. The execution of the code block will begin when this subroutine is called.

2. Variable Declaration

Dim i As Integer

Here, a variable i is declared as an Integer. This variable will be used as a loop counter for iterating through the array.

3. Initializing the Dynamic Array

ReDim dynamicArray(1 To 5)
  • The ReDim statement is used to define the size of the dynamic array named dynamicArray, which is initially created to hold 5 elements, indexed from 1 to 5.

4. Populating the Array

For i = 1 To 5
    dynamicArray(i) = i * 10   ' Example values: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Next i
  • This For loop iterates from 1 to 5.
  • During each iteration, the corresponding index of dynamicArray is populated with the value i * 10. This will result in the values 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 being stored in the first five positions of the array.

5. Resizing the Array

ReDim Preserve dynamicArray(1 To 10)
  • The ReDim Preserve statement is employed to resize the array to accommodate 10 elements while preserving the existing values.
  • Only the upper boundary of the array is adjusted here; the lower boundary remains unchanged.

6. Adding New Elements

For i = 6 To 10
    dynamicArray(i) = i * 10   ' Example values: now includes 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Next i
  • A second For loop is used, iterating from 6 to 10.
  • Similar to the previous loop, each index is populated with new values (60, 70, 80, 90, and 100) corresponding to i * 10.

7. Outputting the Array Content

For i = 1 To UBound(dynamicArray)
    Debug.Print dynamicArray(i)
Next i
  • This For loop iterates through the entire array from index 1 to the upper bound (UBound(dynamicArray)), which dynamically returns the current size of the array.
  • The Debug.Print statement outputs each value of the dynamicArray to the Immediate Window. This allows you to see the results of the array's contents.

Key Concepts

Dynamic Arrays

Dynamic arrays in VBA allow for flexibility in memory allocation and resizing. Unlike static arrays, their size can be modified during runtime, which is useful for cases where the number of elements is not known initially.

ReDim Statement

ReDim is a keyword used to redefine the size of an existing array. When used with the Preserve keyword, it retains the array's existing values while changing its size.

Looping Constructs

The For loop in VBA enables iteration over numerical ranges, allowing the execution of repetitive actions efficiently.

Immediate Window

The Immediate Window is a feature in the VBA editor that can be used for debugging and evaluating expressions at runtime.

Additional Example

In scenarios where a user might want to initialize an array with specific values, a different initialization approach could be demonstrated:

Sub InitializeArray()
    Dim staticArray(1 To 5) As Integer

    staticArray(1) = 5
    staticArray(2) = 10
    staticArray(3) = 15
    staticArray(4) = 20
    staticArray(5) = 25
    ' Output the static array
    Debug.Print staticArray(1)
    Debug.Print staticArray(2)
    ' and so forth...
End Sub

This example shows how to create a static array with predefined elements, illustrating an alternative use case where dynamic resizing is not necessary.


This analysis highlights the important aspects of working with dynamic arrays in VBA, showcasing how to declare, populate, resize, and output array data effectively. The understanding of dynamic data structures and related concepts is crucial for efficient data handling in programming. Users seeking further knowledge can explore available resources on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide explains dynamic arrays in VBA, covering subroutine declaration, array initialization, population, resizing, and outputting values. It highlights key concepts like ReDim, looping structures, and debugging with the Immediate Window for effective data handling.