Code Visualizer | DAX

Understanding the DATE Function in Data Analysis

This guide explains the DATE function, which creates date values from year, month, and day components. It includes a code snippet, parameters, a DOT notation visualization, and insights into usage in data modeling and analysis tools.

Empty image or helper icon


DATE(_Year, _Month, _Day)


Code Visualization of DATE Function


The DATE function creates a date value from individual year, month, and day components. This function is commonly used in data analysis and modeling to construct dates within programming environments or data analysis tools.

Code Snippet

The following code snippet illustrates the DATE function, typically used in data processing languages like DAX (Data Analysis Expressions):

DATE(_Year, _Month, _Day)


  • _Year: An integer representing the year portion of the date.
  • _Month: An integer representing the month portion of the date (1 through 12).
  • _Day: An integer representing the day portion of the date (1 through 31).

Visualization Using DOT Notation

To visualize the structure and relations of the DATE function, we can use DOT notation as follows:

digraph DateFunction {
    node [shape=box];

    DATE [label="DATE"];
    Year [label="_Year\n(int)"];
    Month [label="_Month\n(int)"];
    Day [label="_Day\n(int)"];

    DATE -> Year;
    DATE -> Month;
    DATE -> Day;

Explanation of Visual Elements

  • Nodes:

    • DATE: Central node representing the function itself.
    • _Year, _Month, _Day: These nodes are the input parameters that feed into the DATE function.
  • Edges:

    • Arrows point from each parameter to the DATE node, illustrating that these inputs are required for the function to return a date value.


  • The DATE function is widely utilized in data modeling and reporting scenarios, particularly within tools like Power BI and other BI platforms.
  • Correct inputs for year, month, and day are crucial for ensuring accurate date representations and avoiding errors.

Further Learning

For those seeking deeper knowledge about date functions and data analysis, consider exploring courses offered on the Enterprise DNA Platform. These courses can enhance understanding and application of functions like DATE in complex data scenarios.

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This guide explains the DATE function, which creates date values from year, month, and day components. It includes a code snippet, parameters, a DOT notation visualization, and insights into usage in data modeling and analysis tools.