Code Explainer

Understanding the Functionality of `my_func`

This document provides a detailed analysis of the `my_func` function, which accepts variable arguments, prints them, and returns their sum. It explains the code structure, loops, return values, and key programming concepts in Python.

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def my_func(*args):
    for elem in args:
    return sum(args)

res1 = my_func(44)
res2 = my_func(1, 20, 44)
res3 = my_func(20, 3, 44, 8)



Code Analysis and Explanation of my_func


The provided code defines a function named my_func that takes a variable number of arguments, prints each argument, and then returns their sum. The function is followed by several calls to it, demonstrating its functionality with various sets of arguments.

Code Breakdown

Function Definition

def my_func(*args):
  • def: This keyword is used to define a new function.
  • my_func: The name of the function.
  • *args: This syntax allows the function to accept a variable number of positional arguments. The arguments are collected into a tuple named args.

Loop Through Arguments

for elem in args:
  • This block iterates through each element in the args tuple.
  • print(elem): Each element is printed to the console. This helps visualize the input values provided to the function.


  • This line prints a separator line of underscores for better visibility in the output, distinguishing outputs for different function calls.

Sum and Return

return sum(args)
  • sum(args): This built-in function calculates the total sum of all the elements in the args tuple.
  • return: The function returns the computed sum to the caller, allowing further use of this value.

Function Calls

res1 = my_func(44)
res2 = my_func(1, 20, 44)
res3 = my_func(20, 3, 44, 8)
  • Each line calls my_func with a different set of arguments:
    • res1: Calls the function with one argument (44).
    • res2: Calls it with three arguments (1, 20, and 44).
    • res3: Calls it with four arguments (20, 3, 44, and 8).
  • The results of the calls (res1, res2, res3) store the returned sums from each function call.

Final Print Statement

  • This line will cause a NameError because args is not defined in the current scope outside of my_func. To fix this, you would need to either remove this line or redefine it appropriately.

Key Concepts Explained

  • Variadic Arguments (*args): This feature allows functions to accept a flexible number of arguments. args will always be a tuple containing all the arguments provided.

  • For Loop: This is utilized to iterate through the elements of the tuple, enabling operations on each individual argument.

  • Return Statement: A function can return values using the return keyword, allowing the caller to utilize the value elsewhere in their program.

  • Built-in Functions: Functions like sum() are built into Python and perform specific tasks, in this case, summing iterable items.

Additional Examples

Here are variations of calling my_func with different numeric arguments:

result_a = my_func(10, 20)
result_b = my_func(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
result_c = my_func()  # No arguments, will return 0


In summary, the provided code defines a versatile function that can handle any number of numerical arguments, prints them, and calculates their sum. The usage of variadic arguments enhances its flexibility, while careful iteration and sum calculation demonstrate core programming principles in Python.

Consider exploring more about functions and advanced Python features on the Enterprise DNA Platform, as these concepts will deepen your understanding of programming.

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This document provides a detailed analysis of the my_func function, which accepts variable arguments, prints them, and returns their sum. It explains the code structure, loops, return values, and key programming concepts in Python.