Logic Visualizer | C/C++

Visualizing C++ Logic for Counting Consecutive Duplicates

This document provides a comprehensive visual and textual breakdown of a simple C++ program that counts consecutive duplicate integers entered by the user until a zero is input. It includes a flowchart to illustrate the program's logic.

Empty image or helper icon



int main() {

    int n=1, a1, a2, i=0;
    while (n != 0){
        std::cin >> n;
        a1 = a2;
        a2 = n;
        if (a2 == a1){

    std::cout << i;
    return 0;


Visualization of C++ Code Logic

This document visualizes the logic of a simple C++ program that reads integers from standard input and counts consecutive duplicates until a zero is entered.

Code Breakdown

C++ Code Snippet


int main() {
    int n = 1, a1, a2, i = 0;
    while (n != 0) {
        std::cin >> n;
        a1 = a2;
        a2 = n;
        if (a2 == a1) {
    std::cout << i;
    return 0;

Key Components

  1. Variables:

    • n: The input number from the user.
    • a1: Stores the previous input number.
    • a2: Tracks the current input number.
    • i: Counts the number of consecutive duplicates.
  2. Control Structures:

    • while loop: Continuously reads numbers until n equals 0.
    • if statement: Compares the previous and current numbers.

Visual Representation


|      Start        |
|  Set n = 1       | 
|  Set i = 0       |
|  While n != 0    |<-----------------------+
+-------------------+                        |
         |                                    |
         |  +------------------------------+ |
         |  | Read input n from cin      | |
         |  +------------------------------+ |
         |                                    |
         v                                    |
+-------------------+                          |
|   a1 = a2        |<-------------------------+
|   a2 = n         |
| If a2 == a1      |
  |             |
 Yes           No
  |             |
  v             v
|   i++            |                         
| Loop back to     |                          
| While condition   |                          
|  Output i         |
|       End         |

Explanation of the Flowchart Components

  1. Initialization:

    • The program starts by initializing n to 1 and i (the count of consecutive duplicates) to 0.
  2. Reading Input:

    • The while loop continues to execute as long as n is not 0. Inside the loop, the program reads an integer n from standard input.
  3. Updating Previous Values:

    • The previous input value a1 is updated to the last value stored in a2, which gets updated with the current input value n.
  4. Consecutive Duplicates Check:

    • An if condition checks if the current input value a2 is equal to the previous value a1.
      • If true, it increments the counter i.
  5. Loop Continuation:

    • The flow loops back to the while condition, prompting for a new input until the user enters 0.
  6. Output and Termination:

    • Once the loop exits, it prints the count of consecutive duplicates and ends the program.


This flowchart effectively captures the logic and flow of the C++ program, detailing how it processes user input to count consecutive duplicate integers until a termination condition is met. It serves to clarify the interaction between variables and control structures, enriching understanding for those less familiar with programming constructs.

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This document provides a comprehensive visual and textual breakdown of a simple C++ program that counts consecutive duplicate integers entered by the user until a zero is input. It includes a flowchart to illustrate the program's logic.