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equivalent to $74.40 annual amount

without discount $124.00

Data Mentor

  • Create up to 250 queries p/mth

  • Access standard AI tools

  • Access queries and threads

  • Access normal AI models

  • Full query and thread management

  • Sharing capabilities

  • Access to editable documents


  • Unlimited chat sessions

  • Access normal AI models

  • Access all learning styles

  • Unlimited document creation

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without discount $196.00

Data Mentor

  • Create up to 1000 queries p/mth

  • Access all premium AI tools

  • Access queries and threads

  • Access premium (Ultra) AI models

  • Full query and thread management

  • Sharing capabilities

  • Access to editable documents


  • Unlimited chat sessions

  • Access premium (Ultra) AI models

  • Access all learning styles

  • Unlimited document creation

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