Performance Predictor | Python

Asynchronous Computation Evaluation

This project utilizes Python's asyncio library to perform complex computations asynchronously. To improve performance and efficiency, there are several areas that can be optimized, including the creation of thread pools, task creation, event loop man...

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import asyncio
import random
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial

def complex_computation(x, y):
    # Complex Computation Simulation
    result = (x**5 + y**3) / y
    return result

async def evaluate_computation(loops, x, y):
    # Asynchronously Evaluating Computation
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        result = await loops.run_in_executor(executor, partial(complex_computation, x, y))
    return result

async def main():
    loops = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    tasks = []
    for i in range(100):
        x = random.randint(1, 100)
        y = random.randint(1, 100)
        tasks.append(evaluate_computation(loops, x, y))
    completed, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, timeout=None)
    result = [t.result() for t in completed]
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    final_results =


Overall, the code appears to be using Python's asyncio library to perform complex computations asynchronously. However, there are a few areas that could potentially impact the performance and efficiency of the code:

  1. Thread Creation: The code creates a new ThreadPoolExecutor for each computation. Creating a thread pool for each computation can be inefficient and resource-intensive. It would be more efficient to create a single ThreadPoolExecutor instance outside the evaluation loop.

Recommendation: Move the creation of ThreadPoolExecutor outside the evaluate_computation function and create an instance before the evaluation loop. Pass this instance to the evaluate_computation function as a parameter.

  1. Task Creation: The code creates a separate task for each computation using the evaluate_computation coroutine. Creating an excessive number of tasks can lead to increased memory usage and overhead.

Recommendation: Use the asyncio.gather function instead of asyncio.wait to create a single task that wraps all the computation evaluations. This can simplify the code and potentially improve performance.

  1. Event Loop: The code uses asyncio.get_event_loop() to get the event loop. While this works, it is more idiomatic to use to create and manage the event loop.

Recommendation: Use instead of manually getting the event loop. This will simplify the code and ensure proper handling of the event loop.

  1. Number of Computations: The code performs 100 complex computations concurrently. Depending on the complexity of the computation and the available system resources, this could lead to excessive resource usage and potential bottlenecks.

Recommendation: Consider limiting the number of concurrent computations based on the available system resources. This can be achieved by using a semaphore or by adjusting the batch size of computations.

By addressing these concerns and implementing the recommendations, the code can potentially improve performance and resource utilization.

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This project aims to leverage the asyncio library in Python to evaluate complex computations asynchronously. The current implementation, however, has some areas that could be optimized to improve performance and efficiency.

Firstly, the code creates a new ThreadPoolExecutor for each computation, which can be inefficient and resource-intensive. To address this, it is recommended to create a single ThreadPoolExecutor instance outside the evaluation loop and pass it as a parameter to the evaluate_computation function.

Secondly, creating a separate task for each computation using the evaluate_computation coroutine might lead to increased memory usage and overhead. A suggestion is to use asyncio.gather instead of asyncio.wait to create a single task that wraps all the computation evaluations, simplifying the code and potentially improving performance.

Thirdly, while the current code uses asyncio.get_event_loop(), it is more idiomatic to use to create and manage the event loop. Updating the code to use will ensure proper handling of the event loop and simplify the code.

Lastly, evaluating 100 complex computations concurrently could lead to excessive resource usage and potential bottlenecks. To address this, it is recommended to consider limiting the number of concurrent computations based on system resources. This can be achieved by using a semaphore or adjusting the batch size of computations.

By implementing these optimizations, the project's performance and resource utilization can be improved, leading to more efficient and effective evaluation of complex computations asynchronously.