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This code retrieves data from the Dynamics 365 Business Central API for the "Purchase_Order_Excel" table, performs transformations on the data, and returns a resulting table with selected and renamed columns.

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  Source = Dynamics365BusinessCentral.ApiContentsWithOptions("Production", "Britten-Live", "WebServices", [UseReadOnlyReplica = true]),
  #"Navigation 1" = Source{[Name = "Purchase_Order_Excel", Signature = "table"]}[Data],
  #"Choose columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Navigation 1", {"Document_Type", "No", "TMG_Requestor", "Your_Reference"}),
  #"Renamed columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Choose columns", {{"TMG_Requestor", "Requestor"}, {"Document_Type", "Document Type"}, {"No", "Document No"}})
  #"Renamed columns"


Code Documentation


The purpose of this code is to retrieve data from the Dynamics 365 Business Central API for the "Purchase_Order_Excel" table. The retrieved data is then transformed by selecting specific columns, renaming them, and returning the resulting table.

Class Signatures

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  1. The code calls the Dynamics365BusinessCentral.ApiContentsWithOptions function to retrieve the contents of the "Production" web service with the options "Britten-Live" and "WebServices". The UseReadOnlyReplica option is set to true. The result is assigned to the Source variable.

  2. The code navigates to the "Purchase_Order_Excel" table within the Source by using the #"[Name = "Purchase_Order_Excel", Signature = "table"]"[Data] syntax. The result is assigned to the #"Navigation 1" variable.

  3. The code selects specific columns ("Document_Type", "No", "TMG_Requestor", "Your_Reference") from the #"Navigation 1" table using the Table.SelectColumns function. The result is assigned to the #"Choose columns" variable.

  4. The code renames the columns in the #"Choose columns" table using the Table.RenameColumns function. The column names "TMG_Requestor", "Document_Type", and "No" are renamed to "Requestor", "Document Type", and "Document No" respectively. The result is assigned to the #"Renamed columns" variable.

  5. The code returns the #"Renamed columns" table as the output of the query.

Example Usage

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The purpose of this code is to retrieve data from the Dynamics 365 Business Central API for the "Purchase_Order_Excel" table. The retrieved data is then transformed by selecting specific columns, renaming them, and returning the resulting table.

The code first calls the Dynamics365BusinessCentral.ApiContentsWithOptions function to retrieve the contents of the "Production" web service with the options "Britten-Live" and "WebServices". The UseReadOnlyReplica option is set to true and the result is assigned to the Source variable.

Next, the code navigates to the "Purchase_Order_Excel" table within the Source by using the #[Name = "Purchase_Order_Excel", Signature = "table"][Data] syntax, and assigns the result to the "Navigation 1" variable.

The code then selects specific columns ("Document_Type", "No", "TMG_Requestor", "Your_Reference") from the "Navigation 1" table using the Table.SelectColumns function. The result is assigned to the "Choose columns" variable.

Afterwards, the code renames the columns in the "Choose columns" table using the Table.RenameColumns function. The column names "TMG_Requestor", "Document_Type", and "No" are renamed to "Requestor", "Document Type", and "Document No" respectively. The result is assigned to the "Renamed columns" variable.

Finally, the code returns the "Renamed columns" table as the output of the query.

This code does not include any class signatures, method signatures, inline comments, or example usage.