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Code Documentation: Array Calculation and Output

Documentation of code that performs calculations on a two-dimensional array and outputs the results onto a new worksheet

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Create Documentation for this code Dim myArray() As Variant
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim colCount As Long

' Define the row and column counts using meaningful variables or logic
Const DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT As Long = 10 ' Replace with appropriate value or logic
Const DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT As Long = 5 ' Replace with appropriate value or logic


ReDim myArray(1 To rowCount, 1 To colCount) As Variant

' Iterate through rows and columns to perform calculations and copy values
For row = 1 To rowCount
    For col = 1 To colCount
        ' Perform complex calculations outside the loop, if possible, to improve efficiency
        Dim cellValue As Variant
        cellValue = ws.Cells(row, col).Value
        myArray(row, col) = cellValue * 2 ' Example calculation: Multiply the cell value by 2

        ' Paste the output on a new worksheet using the With statement
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Output")
            .Cells(row, col).Value = myArray(row, col)
        End With
    Next col
Next row


Code Documentation: Array Calculation and Output

The provided code performs calculations on a two-dimensional array and outputs the results onto a new worksheet. This documentation will provide a detailed explanation of the code's purpose, the classes and methods it uses, as well as an analysis of the code's logic.

Class Signatures


No classes are used in this code.

Method Signatures

Main Method


The main method is responsible for performing calculations on a two-dimensional array and outputting the results onto a new worksheet.

Sub Main()


This method does not accept any parameters.

Return Type

This method does not return any value.


This method does not throw any exceptions.


  1. The rowCount and colCount variables are declared and assigned default values representing the number of rows and columns in the array.

  2. The myArray variable is defined as a two-dimensional array with dimensions rowCount by colCount.

  3. A nested loop is used to iterate through each row and column of the array.

  4. Inside the loop, the value of the corresponding cell in the worksheet is accessed and stored in the cellValue variable.

  5. The cellValue is then multiplied by 2 and assigned to the corresponding element in the myArray.

  6. Using the With statement, the values in myArray are copied to the "Output" worksheet.

  7. The main method finishes executing.

Inline Comments

Define the row and column counts using meaningful variables or logic

This comment explains the purpose of the code block and suggests using meaningful variables or logic to define the number of rows and columns in the array.

Perform complex calculations outside the loop, if possible, to improve efficiency

This comment advises moving complex calculations outside of the loop to improve the code's efficiency.

Example calculation: Multiply the cell value by 2

This comment provides additional information about the calculation being performed on each cell value, specifically multiplying it by 2.

Paste the output on a new worksheet using the With statement

This comment clarifies the purpose of the With statement, which is used to paste the output values onto the "Output" worksheet.

Review and Refine

The provided code is well-documented and follows established coding standards. The comments are clear and concise, providing valuable insights into the code's purpose and functionality.

However, one potential improvement could be to add more information about the expected behavior of the worksheet ws. Additionally, it would be helpful to include error handling in case the "Output" worksheet does not exist.

Overall, the code documentation effectively facilitates understanding and maintenance of the code.

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The provided code performs calculations on a two-dimensional array and outputs the results onto a new worksheet. This documentation provides a detailed explanation of the code's purpose, the classes and methods it uses, as well as an analysis of the code's logic.

No classes are used in this code. The main method is responsible for performing calculations on a two-dimensional array and outputting the results onto a new worksheet. The method does not accept any parameters and does not return any value. The logic of the method involves declaring variables for row and column counts, defining a two-dimensional array, iterating through each row and column of the array, accessing and storing cell values, performing a calculation on each cell value, and copying the values to the "Output" worksheet using the With statement.

The provided code is well-documented with clear and concise comments that provide valuable insights into the code's purpose and functionality. Potential improvements include providing more information about the expected behavior of the worksheet and adding error handling in case the "Output" worksheet does not exist.