Formula Generator | DAX

DAX Total Calls Q1 Formula

Calculate total calls in Q1 using DAX. Explanation of CALCULATE, COUNTROWS functions dialect. Practical illustration included.

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Berapa banyak telfon yang terjadi kepada Call Center tersebut pada quarter pertama? (Akhir kuarter adalah bulan Juni)


Formula in DAX

TotalCalls_Q1 = 
    COUNTROWS('Call Center Data'),
    'Call Center Data'[CallDateTime] >= DATE(Year(TODAY()), 1, 1),
    'Call Center Data'[CallDateTime] < DATE(Year(TODAY()), 4, 1)


  • TotalCalls_Q1: Name of the measure to calculate the total number of calls in the first quarter.
  • CALCULATE: DAX function used to modify the context in which the calculation is made.
  • COUNTROWS: Function to count the rows in a table.
  • 'Call Center Data': Name of the table containing call data.
  • [CallDateTime]: Column that stores the date and time of each call.
  • DATE: Function to create a date.
  • Year(TODAY()): Get the current year.
  • 1, 1: Represents the first day of January.
  • 4, 1: Represents the first day of April, marking the end of the first quarter.

Practical Illustration

For example, if 'Call Center Data' table has entries for calls made between January 1 and March 31, this formula will count the number of rows (calls) within that period.

This formula effectively captures the count of calls that occurred during the first quarter based on the date and time data for each call.

This measure can be used in reports or dashboards to show the total volume of calls received by the call center during the first quarter of the year.

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Calculate total calls in Q1 using DAX. Explanation of CALCULATE, COUNTROWS functions dialect. Practical illustration included.