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Excel LEN Function Guide

Learn how to leverage the LEN function in Excel to count characters, apply conditional formatting, categorize text length, and validate input data.

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Excel Formula using LEN Function

To determine the number of characters in a text string, use the LEN function in Excel. Here are some examples of how to use the LEN function:

  1. Basic Usage:

    • Formula: =LEN(A2)
    • Explanation: This formula will return the number of characters in cell A2.
    • Example: If cell A2 contains "Hello", the formula will return 5.
  2. Conditional Formatting:

    • Formula: =LEN(A2)>10
    • Explanation: This formula can be used in conditional formatting to highlight cells where the text length exceeds 10 characters.
  3. Calculating Text Length Range:

    • Formula: =IF(LEN(A2)>20, "Long Text", "Short Text")
    • Explanation: This formula categorizes text in cell A2 as either "Long Text" or "Short Text" based on the character length.
  4. Text Validation:

    • Formula: =LEN(A2)>=5
    • Explanation: This formula can be used in data validation to ensure that text length in cell A2 is at least 5 characters long.

Using the LEN function, you can efficiently manipulate text data in Excel, performing tasks such as counting characters, setting text length conditions, and validating input data.

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Learn how to leverage the LEN function in Excel to count characters, apply conditional formatting, categorize text length, and validate input data.