Variable Namer


Function `getDeclaredVariables` extracts declared variables from a specified node in source code, with clear variable names for source code object and current node. Maintains naming clarity and consistency.

Empty image or helper icon




Naming Suggestions for sourceCode.getDeclaredVariables(node)


  1. sourceCode:

    • Represents the source code object.
  2. node:

    • Denotes the node being processed within the source code.
  3. declaredVariables:

    • Describes the collection of declared variables extracted from the specified node.


  1. getDeclaredVariables:
    • Describes the action performed, which is retrieving the declared variables from a given node in the source code.


  • The function name clearly indicates the purpose of extracting declared variables.
  • Variable names are concise and accurately represent the elements they store or process.
  • Maintain consistency in naming conventions for clarity and maintainability.

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Function getDeclaredVariables extracts declared variables from a specified node in source code, with clear variable names for source code object and current node. Maintains naming clarity and consistency.