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Managing Complex Matrices in Power BI

Explore strategies to handle & visualize complex matrices in Power BI. Learn parameter definitions, data prep, dynamic calculations using DAX, and matrix visualization techniques. Ideal for advanced mathematical representations in Power BI.

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 e^(ic)*cos(a-b) 0 0 i*e^(ic)*sin(a-b)
 0 e^(-ic)*cos(a+b) i*e^(-ic)*sin(a+b) 0
 0 i*e^(-ic)*sin(a+b) e^(-ic)*cos(a+b) 0
 i*e^(ic)*sin(a-b) 0 0 e^(ic)*cos(a-b)
Matrix Description
The matrix:
Copier le code
[ \begin{bmatrix}
e^{ic}\cos(a-b) & 0 & 0 & i e^{ic}\sin(a-b) \\
0 & e^{-ic}\cos(a+b) & i e^{-ic}\sin(a+b) & 0 \\
0 & i e^{-ic}\sin(a+b) & e^{-ic}\cos(a+b) & 0 \\
i e^{ic}\sin(a-b) & 0 & 0 & e^{ic}\co


Analyzing the Complex Matrix in Power BI

In this analysis, we will focus on how to manage and visualize a complex matrix within Power BI. For your given matrix:

[ \begin{bmatrix} e^{ic}\cos(a-b) & 0 & 0 & i e^{ic}\sin(a-b) \ 0 & e^{-ic}\cos(a+b) & i e^{-ic}\sin(a+b) & 0 \ 0 & i e^{-ic}\sin(a+b) & e^{-ic}\cos(a+b) & 0 \ i e^{ic}\sin(a-b) & 0 & 0 & e^{ic}\cos(a-b) \end{bmatrix} ]

We will break down the steps to manage this in Power BI.

Step-by-step Strategy

  1. Parameter Definitions: Identify parameters and constants. In your case, a, b, c, i, and exponential terms.
  2. Data Preparation: Prepare the data in a tabular format to be loaded into Power BI.
  3. DAX Calculations: Utilize DAX for dynamic calculations within Power BI.
  4. Visualization: Select an appropriate visual to represent the matrix data.

1. Parameter Definitions:

Define the parameters you will use in the matrix. This can be done in Power Query or DAX. For instance,

a = VALUE("Enter value of a")
b = VALUE("Enter value of b")
c = VALUE("Enter value of c")
i = VALUE("Enter imaginary unit value, typically 1i")

2. Data Preparation:

Prepare your matrix data in a CSV or Excel file to load into Power BI. An example representation in tabular format:

Row Column Expression
1 1 e^{ic}cos(a-b)
1 2 0
1 3 0
1 4 i e^{ic}sin(a-b)
2 1 0
2 2 e^{-ic}cos(a+b)
2 3 i e^{-ic}sin(a+b)
2 4 0
3 1 0
3 2 i e^{-ic}sin(a+b)
3 3 e^{-ic}cos(a+b)
3 4 0
4 1 i e^{ic}sin(a-b)
4 2 0
4 3 0
4 4 e^{ic}cos(a-b)

3. DAX Calculations:

In Power BI, use DAX formulas to handle the exponential, cosine, sine, and imaginary unit calculations, as follows:

// Define the imaginary number unit 'i'
i = COMPLEX(0, 1)

// Example DAX formula for one of the cells
Cell_1_1 = EXP(i * c) * COS(a - b)
Cell_1_4 = i * EXP(i * c) * SIN(a - b)

Repeat similar DAX expressions for all the matrix elements.

4. Visualization:

For visualizing the matrix, a solution is to use a Matrix visual in Power BI:

  1. Apply the matrix dimensions (rows and columns) in the Matrix visual.
  2. Use the DAX calculations for the cell values in the Values field well of the Matrix visual.

Detailed Explanation:

  • DAX Functions: Use EXP, COS, and SIN for exponential, cosine, and sine calculations, respectively.
  • Imaginary Number Handling: Power BI DAX supports complex number calculations; however, for more complex operations, ensure library support.
  • Matrix Visual: Ideal for representing tabular data in a structured format where rows and columns need to be displayed with specific calculations.

Example DAX for Complex Calculation:

// For cell (1, 1)
Cell_1_1 = EXP(COMPLEX(0, c)) * COS(a - b)

// For cell (1, 4)
Cell_1_4 = COMPLEX(0, 1) * EXP(COMPLEX(0, c)) * SIN(a - b)

Repeat the above for all cells, ensuring each calculation is correctly defined in terms of position.


Handling complex matrix calculations in Power BI involves parameter definition, structured data preparation, using DAX for dynamic calculations, and appropriate visualization using Matrix visual. This approach provides a methodical way to manage and represent complex matrices effectively. For further learning, consider Enterprise DNA's platform courses on advanced DAX and Power BI functionalities.

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Explore strategies to handle & visualize complex matrices in Power BI. Learn parameter definitions, data prep, dynamic calculations using DAX, and matrix visualization techniques. Ideal for advanced mathematical representations in Power BI.