Variable Namer

Naming Convention for `getInnerText("body")` Function

This analysis offers naming suggestions for a function to retrieve the inner text specifically from the body element, aligning with best practices and enhancing code clarity.

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Naming Suggestions for getInnerText("body") Function

Function Name:

  • Function Name: retrieveBodyText()
    • Explanation: This name conveys the action of fetching the inner text specifically from the body element, providing a clear indication of the function's purpose.

Variable Names:

  • ElementSelector:
    • Variable Name: targetElement
      • Explanation: Describes the element being targeted for retrieving inner text, adding clarity to the variable's purpose.
  • InnerTextValue:
    • Variable Name: bodyInnerText
      • Explanation: Indicates the content of the inner text retrieved from the body element, ensuring a clear representation of the variable's content.

Contextual Alignment

  • The function and variable names are aligned with the task of getting the inner text of the "body" element.
  • Names follow best practices in naming conventions to enhance readability and maintainability.
  • The suggested names capture the essence of the functionality without being overly verbose.

These names provide a clear understanding of the purpose and role of the code elements within the context of fetching inner text from the body element.

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This analysis offers naming suggestions for a function to retrieve the inner text specifically from the body element, aligning with best practices and enhancing code clarity.