Variable Namer

Naming Conventions for Promises

Guidelines for naming variables, functions, and classes related to resolved promises, ensuring clarity and consistency in code structure.

Empty image or helper icon


new Promise.resolve();


Variable Naming:

  • resolvedPromise: Variable name indicating a promise that has been resolved.
  • promiseResult: Variable name suggesting the result of a resolved promise.

Function Naming:

  • createResolvedPromise: Function name indicating the action of creating a resolved promise.
  • handleResolvedPromise: Function name conveying the handling of a resolved promise.

Class Naming:

  • ResolvedPromiseHandler: Class name representing a handler or manager for resolved promises.
  • PromiseResolver: Class name indicating a class responsible for resolving promises.

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Guidelines for naming variables, functions, and classes related to resolved promises, ensuring clarity and consistency in code structure.