Variable Namer | Python

Naming Conventions for Variables in Python Class Definitions

Guidelines on naming variables, functions, and classes in Python class definitions to improve code readability and maintainability. Use snake_case for variables, descriptive names for arguments, and CamelCase for classes.

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What naming conventions should be followed in Python for variables that are used as method arguments in class definitions?


Naming Conventions for Variables in Python Class Definitions


  • Use lowercase letters with words separated by underscores (snake_case) for variables in Python class definitions.
  • Argument variables in class methods should be descriptively named to indicate their purpose within the method.

Example variable names:

  • num_elements: Indicates the number of elements.
  • input_string: Represents an input string.
  • output_list: Denotes a list intended for output.


  • Use lowercase letters with words separated by underscores for function names (snake_case).
  • Function names should be descriptive and reflect the action performed by the function.
  • In class methods, use self as the first argument to refer to the instance of the class.

Example function names:

  • calculate_sum: Indicates a function that calculates the sum of values.
  • process_data: Reflects a function that processes data.
  • validate_input: Represents a function that validates input values.


  • Use uppercase letters for each word in a class name (CamelCase).
  • Class names should be singular nouns and represent a clear entity or concept.
  • Class names should be descriptive and concise, reflecting the purpose of the class.

Example class names:

  • Customer: Represents a class for customer entities.
  • DataProcessor: Denotes a class responsible for data processing operations.
  • ReportGenerator: Indicates a class specialized in generating reports.

By following these naming conventions, you can enhance the readability, maintainability, and consistency of your Python code, especially when dealing with variables used as method arguments in class definitions.

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Guidelines on naming variables, functions, and classes in Python class definitions to improve code readability and maintainability. Use snake_case for variables, descriptive names for arguments, and CamelCase for classes.