Variable Namer

Naming Strategy for JavaScript Class Interacting with Flask Server

This guide provides naming suggestions for a JavaScript class that interacts with a Flask server, including class name, method name, and variable names. The example code snippet demonstrates the suggested names in action, promoting code

Empty image or helper icon


a js class that defines a method fetch that will fetch request to a flask server


Naming Strategy for JavaScript Class Interacting with Flask Server

Class Name

The class handles data fetching from a Flask server. Hence, a name that indicates this purpose is appropriate.

Suggested Name:


Method Name

The method is responsible for making fetch requests to the Flask server. A name that reflects this specific action is essential.

Suggested Name:


Variable Names

Within the method, variables should clearly indicate their role or the data they hold.

Suggested Variables:

  1. url: Represents the endpoint URL to which the request is made.
  2. requestOptions: Defines options like method, headers, and body for the fetch request.
  3. response: Holds the response received from the server.
  4. data: Contains the parsed JSON data from the response.

Example Code Snippet

// JavaScript Class for fetching data from a Flask server
class ServerDataFetcher {
   * Method to fetch data from the Flask server
   * @param {string} endpoint - The API endpoint to send the request to
   * @returns {Promise} - The response data parsed as JSON
  async fetchData(endpoint) {
    // Define the full URL for the fetch request
    const url = `${endpoint}`;

    // Define options for the fetch request
    const requestOptions = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    // Perform the fetch request
    const response = await fetch(url, requestOptions);
    // Check if the response is successful
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
    // Parse and return the response data as JSON
    const data = await response.json();
    return data;


  • ServerDataFetcher: Clearly indicates the class is designed for fetching data from a server.
  • fetchData: Represents the action of fetching data, suitable for a method performing this task.
  • url: Clearly defines the target endpoint for the request.
  • requestOptions: Self-explanatory, encapsulates options for the fetch request.
  • response: The returned result from the server, ensuring readability.
  • data: Represents the processed response, easily understood in context.

Contextual Alignment

  • The names follow conventions for JavaScript, making the functionality clear and maintainable.
  • Aligned with typical RESTful structure, facilitating understanding across teams.

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This naming strategy aims to enhance clarity, making the code base easier to understand and work with for future developers.

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This guide provides naming suggestions for a JavaScript class that interacts with a Flask server, including class name, method name, and variable names. The example code snippet demonstrates the suggested names in action, promoting code readability and maintainability.