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Pi Estimation using Monte Carlo Simulation

This code snippet uses the Monte Carlo simulation method to estimate the value of pi by generating random points within a square and checking if they fall within a quarter-circle. The ratio of points within the quarter-circle to the total points is

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Monte Carlo Simulation for Estimating Pi


The Monte Carlo simulation method for estimating pi involves using random sampling within a square and a quarter-circle to approximate the value of pi. The key steps include generating random points within the square, determining which points fall within the quarter-circle, and using the ratio of points within the quarter-circle to the total points to calculate an estimate of pi.

Role of the Code Snippet

The provided code snippet implements the Monte Carlo simulation method to estimate pi by generating random points within a square and checking if they fall within a quarter-circle. The ratio of points within the quarter-circle to the total points is then used to calculate an estimate of pi.

Now let's explore the code to understand its functionality and implementation in detail.

import random

def estimate_pi(num_samples):
    Estimates the value of pi using the Monte Carlo simulation method.
    num_samples : int
        The number of random samples to generate.
        The estimated value of pi.
    inside_circle = 0
    total_samples = num_samples

    for _ in range(num_samples):
        x = random.random()
        y = random.random()
        if x**2 + y**2 <= 1:
            inside_circle += 1
    # Estimating pi using the ratio of points inside the quarter-circle to the total points
    pi_estimate = 4 * (inside_circle / total_samples)
    return pi_estimate

Method Signature

  • Purpose: The estimate_pi method estimates the value of pi using the Monte Carlo simulation method.
  • Parameters:
    • num_samples (int): The number of random samples to generate.
  • Return Type:
    • float: The estimated value of pi.
  • Logic:
    • It iterates through num_samples and generates random points (x, y) within a square.
    • It checks if each point falls within the quarter-circle using the condition x**2 + y**2 <= 1.
    • Finally, it uses the ratio of points inside the quarter-circle to the total points to estimate the value of pi and returns the result.

Inline Comments

  • The code contains inline comments to explain the purpose of significant variables and the logic for estimating pi using the Monte Carlo simulation method.

This code snippet effectively demonstrates the implementation of the Monte Carlo simulation method for estimating pi, providing a clear and concise estimation approach based on random sampling.

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This code snippet uses the Monte Carlo simulation method to estimate the value of pi by generating random points within a square and checking if they fall within a quarter-circle. The ratio of points within the quarter-circle to the total points is then used to calculate an estimate of pi. The estimate_pi method iterates through a specified number of samples to estimate pi and contains inline comments for clarity.