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Power BI Theme Generator Tool

Tool to dynamically generate color themes in Power BI for enhancing visual consistency and branding in reports. Includes strategic development steps, code-based solutions, and comprehensive advice for implementation.

Empty image or helper icon


i need a theme generator for power bi


Problem Analysis

Creating a theme generator for Power BI involves dynamically generating color themes for reports. This tool can enhance visual consistency and branding within reports.

Strategic Solution Development

  1. Data Input: Start by defining data inputs like primary color, secondary color, background color, etc.
  2. Color Generation: Use DAX or M code to generate color variations based on user inputs.
  3. Theme JSON: Construct a JSON file with the color palette as per the generated theme.
  4. Apply Theme: Utilize the JSON file to apply the custom theme to reports.

Comprehensive Advice

To implement this:

  • Use Power BI advanced features like conditional formatting & DAX for color variations.
  • Utilize M code to generate shades of colors and create a JSON theme file.
  • Ensure the JSON file structure follows Power BI theme requirements.

Code-Based Solutions

Below is an example of generating shades of a color in M code:

    GenerateShades = (color as text, count as number) =>
        currentColor = Color.FromText(color),
        shadesList = List.Generate(
            () => [i=0, color=currentColor],
            each [i] <= count,
            each [i=[i]+1, color=Color.Lighten([color], 0.1)]
        shades = List.Transform(shadesList, each Color.ToHex([color]))
    GenerateShades("#FF5733", 5)

Detailed Explanation

  • The M code function GenerateShades takes a base color and the number of shades to generate.
  • It uses List.Generate to create a list of progressively lighter shades of the base color.
  • List.Transform converts the color shades to HEX format.
  • This approach helps in dynamically generating color variations based on user-defined inputs for the theme generator in Power BI.

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Tool to dynamically generate color themes in Power BI for enhancing visual consistency and branding in reports. Includes strategic development steps, code-based solutions, and comprehensive advice for implementation.