Code Best Practices Checker | Python

Python Code Refactoring Best Practice Example

Explanation of refactoring a Python code snippet to replace double underscores with single underscore for private variable indicating adherence to Python naming conventions and best practices.

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class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__private_var = 10

    def get_private_var(self):
        return self.__private_var

obj = MyClass()


Language Identification

The provided code snippet is written in Python.

Code Refactoring

  1. Encapsulation:
    • Issue: The __private_var is marked as private using double underscore which is Python's way for name mangling. However, in Python, there is no true private access control, only a convention followed for variables that should not be accessed directly outside the class.
    • Refactoring: Use single underscores (convention for "protected") rather than double underscores to indicate the intention of private variables.

Refactored Code

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self._private_var = 10

    def get_private_var(self):
        return self._private_var

obj = MyClass()

Documentation of Changes

  1. Replaced double underscores with single underscore for _private_var to align with Python's convention for indicating protected variables.
    • Issue: Double underscores are mainly used for name mangling and not for true privacy in Python.
    • Refactoring Reasoning: By using a single underscore, we indicate that _private_var should be treated as a protected variable within the class, improving readability and adhering to Python best practices.

This refactoring ensures adherence to Python naming conventions, improves readability, and aligns the code with best practices.

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Explanation of refactoring a Python code snippet to replace double underscores with single underscore for private variable indicating adherence to Python naming conventions and best practices.