Variable Namer | Python

Python Naming Conventions Guide

Learn how to name variables, functions, and classes in Python for clear, concise, and maintainable code. Improve code readability and facilitate collaboration.

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What naming conventions should I follow when creating variables in Python to ensure clear and concise code readability?


Naming Conventions for Python Variables


  • Use descriptive names that convey the purpose or content of the variable.
  • Follow the snake_case naming convention (lowercase with underscores between words).
  • For constants, use all uppercase with underscores.
  • Avoid using single-letter variables except in cases like loop counters.


# Descriptive variable names
customer_name = "John Doe"
total_amount = 100.50

# Constants
PI = 3.14159


  • Use verbs or verb phrases for function names to indicate the action performed.
  • Follow the snake_case naming convention.
  • Make function names concise while being descriptive of the operation.


def calculate_total_cost(item_prices):
    # Function to calculate total cost

def fetch_data_from_api(endpoint):
    # Function to fetch data from an API


  • Use CapWords (capitalize the first letter of each word) for class names.
  • Use nouns or noun phrases that represent the objects created by the class.
  • Ensure that class names are clear and reflect the purpose of the class.


class Customer:
    # Class representing a customer object

class OrderProcessor:
    # Class to process orders and handle related operations

Following these naming conventions will enhance the readability and maintainability of your Python code, making it easier for others to understand and work with your code effectively.

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Learn how to name variables, functions, and classes in Python for clear, concise, and maintainable code. Improve code readability and facilitate collaboration.