Skills Advisor | Process Automation

QuickBooks Online Reports Automation

Learn to automate fetching reports from QuickBooks Online API using Python to save them in Excel for streamlined reporting tasks.

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to run reports in quickbooks online and save in excel formatne


Problem Analysis

  • You can automate the process of running reports in QuickBooks Online and saving them in Excel format using QuickBooks Online API along with a scripting language like Python for automation.

Expert Guidance

  • Utilize QuickBooks Online API to access data and generate reports programmatically.
  • Use a scripting language like Python to automate the process of fetching the reports and saving them in Excel format.
  • Schedule the automation script to run at specific intervals using a scheduler like Windows Task Scheduler or Cron.

Detailed Steps

  1. QuickBooks Online API Setup:

    • Obtain API credentials from QuickBooks Online Developer portal.
    • Use OAuth2.0 authentication to authenticate API requests.
  2. Python Scripting:

    • Use libraries like requests, pandas, and openpyxl for fetching data and saving it in Excel format.
    • Authenticate API requests using OAuth tokens.
    • Fetch reports data using API endpoints.
  3. Automate & Schedule:

    • Create a Python script that fetches reports and saves them in Excel.
    • Schedule the script to run at desired intervals for automated reporting.

Code Example (Python):

import requests
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import Workbook

# Authenticate and fetch data from QuickBooks Online API
# Save data in pandas DataFrame
data = pd.DataFrame()

# Save data in Excel using openpyxl
wb = Workbook()
ws =

for r_idx, row in enumerate(data.iterrows(), start=1):
    for c_idx, value in enumerate(row, start=1):
        ws.cell(row=r_idx, column=c_idx, value=value)'report.xlsx')

Best Practices

  • Securely store API credentials, consider using environment variables.
  • Ensure error handling in the script for robust automation.
  • Follow naming conventions and documentation for maintainable code.

By automating this process, you can efficiently run reports in QuickBooks Online and save them in Excel format, streamlining your reporting tasks.

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Learn to automate fetching reports from QuickBooks Online API using Python to save them in Excel for streamlined reporting tasks.