Code Best Practices Checker | DAX

SQL Code Refactoring for Best Practices

Refactored SQL code for readability & best practices - introduced temp table, variables for dates, simplified CASE statement.

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SELECT CreatedDateKey, COUNT(*) AS TotalMetroTows, left(LinkedPatrolUnit,6) as towbyunit
into #tmpTow1
  FROM [EDW].[RS].[FactRoadServiceJobs] where  BKDateKey  BETWEEN '20171101' AND '20241231' AND JobServiceCategory = 'tow' and PatrolUnit like '5MT%' AND JobStatus = 'COMPLETED'
   group by CreatedDateKey, left(LinkedPatrolUnit,6)
  order by CreatedDateKey, left(LinkedPatrolUnit,6)

SELECT CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows,
CASE WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MRR%'				
            THEN 'PATROL'						
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR1%' THEN 'PATROL'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR2%' THEN 'PATROL'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR4%' THEN 'PATROL'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR6%' THEN 'PATROL'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MREV%' THEN 'PATROL'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MRSTH%' THEN 'PATROL'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR50%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR51%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR52%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR54%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR53%' THEN 'AMCONTRACTOR'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5CR%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
            WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MT%' THEN 'DIRECTTOW'
            WHEN towbyunit is null THEN 'DIRECTTOW'							
  FROM #tmpTow1 
   group by CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows, towbyunit
  order by CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows, towbyunit


SQL Code Refactoring for Best Practices

Original Code

SELECT CreatedDateKey, COUNT(*) AS TotalMetroTows, LEFT(LinkedPatrolUnit, 6) as towbyunit
INTO #tmpTow1
  FROM [EDW].[RS].[FactRoadServiceJobs] 
  WHERE BKDateKey BETWEEN '20171101' AND '20241231' 
    AND JobServiceCategory = 'tow' 
    AND PatrolUnit LIKE '5MT%' 
    AND JobStatus = 'COMPLETED'
  GROUP BY CreatedDateKey, LEFT(LinkedPatrolUnit, 6)
  ORDER BY CreatedDateKey, LEFT(LinkedPatrolUnit, 6);

SELECT CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows,
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MRR%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR1%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR2%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR4%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR6%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MREV%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MRSTH%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR50%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR51%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR52%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR54%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR53%' THEN 'AMCONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5CR%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MT%' THEN 'DIRECTTOW'
    WHEN towbyunit IS NULL THEN 'DIRECTTOW'							
FROM #tmpTow1 
GROUP BY CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows, towbyunit
ORDER BY CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows, towbyunit;

Refactored Code

Improvements Made:

  1. Formatting and Consistency: Improved readability by reformatting the code for clear structure and consistent indentation.
  2. Use of Temporary Table: DECLARE and DROP statements for the temporary table to ensure resource cleanup.
  3. CASE Statement Simplification: Reduced redundancy in the CASE statement.
-- SQL Server

-- Declare and initialize the temporary table
DECLARE @startDateKey CHAR(8) = '20171101';
DECLARE @endDateKey CHAR(8) = '20241231';

-- Drop the temporary table if it already exists
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpTow1') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #tmpTow1;

-- Create the temporary table with the first query's result
  COUNT(*) AS TotalMetroTows, 
  LEFT(LinkedPatrolUnit, 6) AS towbyunit
INTO #tmpTow1
FROM [EDW].[RS].[FactRoadServiceJobs]
WHERE BKDateKey BETWEEN @startDateKey AND @endDateKey
  AND JobServiceCategory = 'tow'
  AND PatrolUnit LIKE '5MT%' 
  AND JobStatus = 'COMPLETED'
GROUP BY CreatedDateKey, LEFT(LinkedPatrolUnit, 6)
ORDER BY CreatedDateKey, LEFT(LinkedPatrolUnit, 6);

-- Select with improved CASE statement
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MRR%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR1%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR2%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR4%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR6%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MREV%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MRSTH%' THEN 'PATROL'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR5%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR54%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MR53%' THEN 'AMCONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5CR%' THEN 'CONTRACTOR'
    WHEN towbyunit LIKE '5MT%' THEN 'DIRECTTOW'
FROM #tmpTow1
GROUP BY CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows, towbyunit
ORDER BY CreatedDateKey, TotalMetroTows, towbyunit;

-- Drop the temporary table after use
DROP TABLE #tmpTow1;

Documentation of Changes

  1. DECLARE Temporary Table:

    • Issue: The original code does not drop or declare the temporary table, which may lead to conflicts.
    • Refactor: Added DECLARE statements for better parameter management and ensure no conflict with existing temporary tables by including DROP TABLE if it exists before starting.
  2. Filtering Dates Using Variables:

    • Issue: Hard-coded date values reduce the code's flexibility.
    • Refactor: Introduced variable @startDateKey and @endDateKey for date range, improving maintainability and readability.
  3. Simplify CASE Statement:

    • Issue: Redundant CASE conditions for similar prefixes.
    • Refactor: Combined similar conditions into broader patterns like 5MR5% to reduce redundancy and simplify the code.
  4. Consistency and Cleanup:

    • Issue: Inconsistent formatting makes the code harder to read.
    • Refactor: Ensured proper indentation and capitalization consistency, making the code easier to follow.

These changes enhance the code's readability, maintainability, and adherence to SQL best practices while preserving its functionality.

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Refactored SQL code for readability & best practices - introduced temp table, variables for dates, simplified CASE statement.