Database Query Writer | SQL

SQL Data Retrieval with CTEs and Subqueries

A SQL query demonstrating the use of CTEs and subqueries to retrieve and organize data from multiple tables in a complex database schema efficiently, resulting in a clear and structured final output.

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Can you provide a sample SQL query that utilizes both subqueries and Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to retrieve data from multiple related tables in a complex database schema?


Query Using Subqueries and Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

-- Common Table Expression (CTE) to retrieve data from Table A
    SELECT column_1, column_2
    FROM Table_A
    WHERE condition = 'specific_condition'

-- Subquery to get aggregated data from Table B
Subquery_B AS (
    SELECT parent_column, COUNT(child_column) AS child_count
    FROM Table_B
    GROUP BY parent_column

-- Main query combining CTE and Subquery results
Main_Query AS (
    SELECT A.column_1, A.column_2, B.parent_column, B.child_count
    JOIN Subquery_B B ON A.column_1 = B.parent_column

-- Final select to retrieve data from the Main_Query
FROM Main_Query;


  1. CTE_A:

    • Used to retrieve specific data from Table A based on a condition.
  2. Subquery_B:

    • Calculates the count of child records for each parent record in Table B.
  3. Main_Query:

    • Joins the results of CTE_A and Subquery_B to combine data from different sources.
    • Helps in organizing and simplifying the final data retrieval.
  4. Final Select:

    • Retrieves the final results from the Main_Query for presenting to the user.

By using a combination of CTEs and subqueries effectively, this query retrieves data from multiple related tables in a complex database schema, showcasing how different SQL features can be utilized to handle such scenarios.

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A SQL query demonstrating the use of CTEs and subqueries to retrieve and organize data from multiple tables in a complex database schema efficiently, resulting in a clear and structured final output.