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SQL Query Creation for Word Count and Occurrence

Learn to construct SQL queries to calculate word counts in text data, and find words occurring more than 10 times in a specific table.

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Write an SQL query that calculates the number of words in each row of the table, write an SQL query that finds all the words that occur in the "Texts" table more than 10 times


1. Clarifying the User's Requirement:

The user wants to create SQL queries to perform the following tasks:

  • Validate that an SQL query calculates the number of words in each row of a table.
  • Find all words that occur in the "Texts" table more than 10 times.

2. Identifying Key Elements:

To accomplish these tasks, we need to:

  • Extract words from text (considering words are alphanumeric strings separated by spaces).
  • Count the occurrences of each word in the "Texts" table.
  • Filter out words that occur more than 10 times.

3. Constructing the Regular Expression:

SQL Query to Calculate the Number of Words in Each Row:

    (LENGTH(text_column) - LENGTH(REPLACE(text_column, ' ', '')) + 1) as word_count
FROM table_name;

SQL Query to Find Words Occurring More Than 10 Times:

    SELECT word, COUNT(*) as word_count
    FROM (
            REGEXP_SUBSTR(text_column, '\w+', 1, level) as word
        FROM table_name
        CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR(text_column, '\w+', 1, level) IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY word
WHERE word_count > 10;

4. Ensuring Flexibility and Efficiency:

  • The regex used for extracting words (\w+) covers alphanumeric characters and underscores.
  • The queries are structured to efficiently calculate word counts and filter words occurring more than 10 times.

5. Testing and Validation:

  • Test the queries on sample data to ensure they accurately calculate word counts and identify words occurring more than 10 times.

6. Providing a Clear Explanation:

  • The first query uses a combination of LENGTH and REPLACE functions to count the number of words in each row.
  • The second query employs REGEXP_SUBSTR to extract words, and nested queries to count and filter words occurring more than 10 times.

7. Offering Usage Guidance:

  • Substitute "table_name" with the actual table name containing the text data.
  • Adjust the column names ("text_column", "id") in the queries based on the schema of the "Texts" table.

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Learn to construct SQL queries to calculate word counts in text data, and find words occurring more than 10 times in a specific table.